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Even More CL Finds!

Hey Helmich......how have you been?

great! the 259 is doing great, family is fine, couldn't be better. making a big boat hauler of my semi truck at the moment. putting a living on my semi and a boat hitch on the back. so in a few years looking for a bigger than my 259.
but the question is what? looking at cats, cigarette, donzi, race stuff. maybe checkmate asking to build a nice 37/40 ft. don't know at the moment.
the thinking process is always the time consuming thing by me.
If I ever buy a big boat...it'll be something like this. I love BR's...but it'll have to wait until after a 2400BRX.

My thought exactly, but it's a really big "if" for me. Even the 2400 is unlikely because storage space, drivway space are all working against me. A nice lake cabin with boat house would make the difference, but my girl likes to travel so the cabin is also a distant dream.
If I ever buy a big boat...it'll be something like this. I love BR's...but it'll have to wait until after a 2400BRX.

I'm with you on the 270br! Over on the Facebook page it looks like someone grabbed this boat already. What I'm hearing though is that people hate how this thing rides. Porpoises like crazy at cruising speed. Wonder what can be done to fix it.
A nice lake cabin with boat house would make the difference, but my girl likes to travel so the cabin is also a distant dream.


We have an aft cabin cruiser docked at Lake Erie that makes a pretty good floating cottage.
Its at a nice marina w/a bar, pool, beach etc.

Ours is a drive up dock too so you either leave your car in front of the boat for the weekend or,do like most of us and use that space for tables/grills etc.

Our marina also has a trailer park and many people have one as their cottage and then a 20' - 30' center console docked at the marina for their day boat.
I really like that idea.

I spend a lot of time in a chair in font of the boat w/a beer in my hand trying to figure out a better way.

My wife is fine w/staying at dock and hanging w/the neighbors.
Im good for about 2 weekends then need a fix.

I bought my 251 project because I miss my 24' Sonics and that type boating so bad.
Tow it some where different and spend the weekend there.
I love that and miss that.

A trailer boat and some exploration is tough to beat.
Everytime I see a clean, used 2400 BRX I lose my mind. So want one of these...but it's the damn need part that I fall short on everytime.

I need a boat with a lot of room inside, but I don’t want to spend $40k+ for a performance tritoon. A used 2400 BRX I could almost justify, but I keep thinking about all those far cheaper used long deck ZT’s out there I could turn into a bow rider with a little elbo grease and my sawzs-all