Well-known member
Nice looking Convincor.
I like the cabin. Mine needs redone and I like that layout.
I like the cabin. Mine needs redone and I like that layout.
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Ah..... The Jetmate II project has resurfaced. I wonder how much snow is on top of and inside it right now....JetMate II project for $2850.
Hey have you been?
04 270 BR Convincor w- 496 for39.9k.
If I ever buy a big'll be something like this. I love BR's...but it'll have to wait until after a 2400BRX.
If I ever buy a big'll be something like this. I love BR's...but it'll have to wait until after a 2400BRX.
A nice lake cabin with boat house would make the difference, but my girl likes to travel so the cabin is also a distant dream.
If I ever buy a big'll be something like this. I love BR's...but it'll have to wait until after a 2400BRX.
012 2400 BRX Pulsare w- 300XS for 44.9k.
Everytime I see a clean, used 2400 BRX I lose my mind. So want one of these...but it's the damn need part that I fall short on everytime.