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Even More CL Finds!

I am kinda new at this fiberglass stuff so I will rely in the expertise of this forum. My question is, is that really cosmetic damage? I have a few dings on my hull that I want to get repaired, and have been a little worried about them, but after seeing that "cosmetic" damage, I am golden. (whew!)
That’s not me! I was thinking of replying to the wanted ad with this website address, but like you said there’s no 2100BR’s available anyway. I wish that Persuader was closer, but yeah it seems a little pricey too. No way I’ll break my own rules AGAIN and buy a boat sight-unseen like I did the last time.

I know where you're coming from as far as price on some of these persuaders & pulsares from the mid 2000's, but I think this one is actually pretty fair. As long as it's clean (better yet, mint) with low hours and especially if the trailer is as nice he will sell it fast. He might be a tad low if it's legit. They are just not out there. The alternative is ponying up another $20-25k for a 2010-2012 year range.

Sure shot passed 1 million views fast since the day I noticed we were getting close on this thread...:bigthumb:

I did my part, must have checked this thread a few thousand times since SCT started it.

Thinking about that now ... I probably need mental help:o and a less addictive hobby.

Or just more money.
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If I didn't have my race boat project.....I would be buying that old JetMate!
Old school cool👍

There is a huge pile of Oldsmobile motor parts right there on the floor next to your race boat. Enough, could probably make you a running motor.