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Even More CL Finds!

That one is only 30 morning from me, offer 3’gs take the B1X have gone thru, keep as spare in the garage for when I have knunkle work their magic. Check out the verious boating gear and part out the rest and have a spare out drive for the troubles?
I question the legitimacy of that ad. The price is way too low. But if it's legit, it is definitely a steal. I live close to AA, so if anyone is interested...

I was thinking that too, if there's no damage or major issues and it runs, you would think he could get around $7-8K. He may have meant $13,750 or even 30,750? It may be one of those stolen ads from a previous poster, but the map shows Ann Arbor, not sure where the in-water pic is.

What's he got going on with the 90s out of the exhaust pipes to the transom?, looks like maybe silent choice pipes turned up and plugged.

I was thinking that too, if there's no damage or major issues and it runs, you would think he could get around $7-8K. He may have meant $13,750 or even 30,750? It may be one of those stolen ads from a previous poster, but the map shows Ann Arbor, not sure where the in-water pic is.

What's he got going on with the 90s out of the exhaust pipes to the transom?, looks like maybe silent choice pipes turned up and plugged.


LOL....It looks like he has the exhaust y-pipe blocked off with a sheet of plastic!
They've got it winterized for storage with the exhaust blocked off. Might even be a plastic or rubber plate under the volume adjuster too? Keeps them buggies and moisture out. 10 points given for transom tie downs. Demerit given for that chain in contact with the outdrive. Put some clear plastic tubing over that chain or at least procure the inner tube from that hated neighborhood kids mountainbikes rear tire and slip it on there. 'Come on Man!'