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Even More CL Finds!

Saw that one on S&F!

I'm still watching for the 'right' 2400 BRX while shopping v-drive ski boats...

oh, man...I got competition. ;)

I think everyone is hunting for one of the same 20 boats or however many 2400brx's CM sold so far, hoping for a gem at a steal of a price. At least that's how I understand "right boat". If we really want one, we're going to have to be willing to over pay a little. At least compared to what we might think they are worth.:)
That's sort of the situation I was in with the boat I have now, and if I do update to newer in a few years, it would seem to be what will have to happen again.

It looks like Hayabusa would sell his, but it can't be cheap with all the work he's done. And he can't be in much of a hurry as he hasn't listed it.

My idea of a "unicorn" is still an old I/O Entertainer in perfect shape. In fact I think that they are as rare now as the CM Cat. In all these years of being a member here, I only recall one near perfect one coming up for sale, but it was not a very nice color combo(tan and brown hull, tan interior-no flake). So I couldn't even consider it.

Oh well, looking is fun too.
I bet she will let you slide! What did you finally order for yourself?
I know she wanted a bowrider, because she really liked the Bayliner E18. I didn't want all the upholstery and didn't like the helm layout on the E18. So... I ended up ordering a new F18, which is the same hull, but in a center console configuration. For the money, the Bayliner was hard to beat. And I don't need or want to 'over boat' the lake system I'm on. I considered the F21, but that is physically a bigger hull. More freeboard, etc. With the bridge/tube consideration, I don't want anything I can't pass under/through either.

I order it fully optioned (except for the T-top and leaning post): Stainless package, Bimini top, cockpit cover, trolling motor, full fishing package, ski tow pylon, etc. Also upgraded to hydraulic steering. The dealer is going to swap out the stock 115 Merc 4 stroke, for a 115 Pro Xs with the command thrust gear case, and install some electronics.

Scheduled for delivery some time late (late) May, or early June. I'll post up a thread when I get it.