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Even More CL Finds!

Wow! That's really unique! Great project for someone with the $$$ and the time, who wants a one of a kind boat. Wonder if there is were any performance tests done on that hull?

Jason Knuckle mentioned on Facebook that they tested it out on Lake Erie

“We ran that boat when it was a prototype...It originally was an outboard boat with a Johnson Second Effort V8”

“it ran over 80 when we tested it with the V8”

“It was not good as an I/O it was designed as an outboard and worked well that way... no videos of it running. . we ran it at lake Erie and did great for its size.”
I was thinking that hull was begging for an outboard. Or two....

That was exactly my thought. Twin 280's would be wicked on that thing. This boat is also only 10 miles from me right now as well.... It really has me thinking!!! I know the guy has had it for quite some time and it has been for sale before. I have heard rumors of people that have looked at it saying that its pretty rotten. Not sure how true those are, but if they are, he is a little high on price. However, I have been talking to some people on here about moving to a twin outboard Checkmate, but with me always wanting to be a little different, this boat might just fit the bill. God, my wife is going to kill me......
About that cat

Lots of questions to ask the seller,
Where is the engine hatch? I see a part of the rear bench in one picture. Sure has a lot of holes in the dash, so combined with the work to get rid of the bravo drive and tail pipe holes you will be doing a fair bit of glass work and gelcoat besides any rotten wood issues. Not a deal killer but a lot of work and money with no guarantee when your done the boat runs/rides well.

Pretty easy to imagine $30-40,000 and a ton of time to get it on the water.

So I had inquire about this one.

Owner has had it for 20+ yrs. Origional gunmetal grey boat that he had repainted 10 years ago, he said he got the metal flake from Checkmate but had another shop spray it. It’s on its third interior from Checkmate. Motor done a few years ago, leg done 2 years ago. He never had the windshield for it.
Said he still loves the boat, but is moving and the boat has to go.
Lots of questions to ask the seller,
Where is the engine hatch? I see a part of the rear bench in one picture. Sure has a lot of holes in the dash, so combined with the work to get rid of the bravo drive and tail pipe holes you will be doing a fair bit of glass work and gelcoat besides any rotten wood issues. Not a deal killer but a lot of work and money with no guarantee when your done the boat runs/rides well.

Pretty easy to imagine $30-40,000 and a ton of time to get it on the water.

I would go into it planning on a complete redo of everything. I hate the gel scheme on it, so it would all get redone. I would say if anything, your $30-40k number is low. I figured $10k to just get the hull done and ready to start rigging. Depending on what it would get for power, you could have anywhere from $10-25k easy in engines, and as I learned on my LSX build, the nickel and dime stuff will really add up!! The worst part is, you would do it knowing all to well that you are going to lose your a$$ if you ever go to sell it.

It's just another one of my hair brained ideas. I won't act on it any time soon as my first priority as of now is to enjoy my Convincor this summer finally.
How much $$$ would one need to get that 281 back on the water(not a showboat)??

-overhaul of the 5.7s.
-Rebuild the drives.
-replace floor (hopefully stringers are ok.....).
-Replace back seat.
-cheap new interior.
-Etc, etc,etc.......and then 2X your budget!

I bet the gel would sand/buff out to be ok at 25 yards.:D
How much $$$ would one need to get that 281 back on the water(not a showboat)??

-overhaul of the 5.7s.
-Rebuild the drives.
-replace floor (hopefully stringers are ok.....).
-Replace back seat.
-cheap new interior.
-Etc, etc,etc.......and then 2X your budget!

I bet the gel would sand/buff out to be ok at 25 yards.:D

I'd think that if you did most of the work yourself, you could get it decent looking and mechanically sound for $10K.
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