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Olds valve covers on a BBC :D
No... It's that imitation blower scoop. That's good for at least a couple hundred horses.

I didn't catch that it was Olds powered from the few pictures in the add, but it is a pretty good looking boat for the money.

Image #4 https://swmi.craigslist.org/boa/d/union-jet-boat-for-sale/6853845171.html Look at the upper most manual. It's for a GM Oldsmobile 'Rocket' engine. So I'm assuming it's still got the original engine.

A lot of the early 70's jet boats had Olds 455's in them, so it would be period correct.
No... It's that imitation blower scoop. That's good for at least a couple hundred horses.

Image #4 https://swmi.craigslist.org/boa/d/union-jet-boat-for-sale/6853845171.html Look at the upper most manual. It's for a GM Oldsmobile 'Rocket' engine. So I'm assuming it's still got the original engine.

A lot of the early 70's jet boats had Olds 455's in them, so it would be period correct.

Those were the days though. Remember that right around 1968, the 455 came from the 425, and the tri carbed 400 before that (more displacement, heh heh). 375 hp of the time period, 500 lbs of torque. Enough grunt to propel an over 2 ton Olds coupe to the low, and I mean just barely over, 14 second quarter mile times at just a smidge over a hundred mph, in street trim ( and that's with a couple of big guys up front, gear, beer, and maybe a chainsaw or two in the trunk, automatic trans, A/C, all on those bias polyglass wide ovals).
Those were the days though.
Yep. One of my buddy's dad owned the local Oldsmobile dealership. He let his son use a brand new 1968 442 for the night. IIRC (it was 51 years ago), it was dark blue with white interior. 4 speed car, I seem to remember. A really beautiful car (as was the Buick GS).
That 51 number looms rather large this am, I'm looking for the 'edit' icon. Gas was 30 cents a gallon, the car was 3500 bucks, a new Vette was a grand more. Wasn't minimum wage like a 1.60. The Gubment was offering a free College education at the University of Southeast Asia. I keep trying to warn the millennials concerning free education for all....
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So on the bass mate would those be gunnel tie downs? The wood blocks under the motor must be for storage. I kinda like it.

It’s not on Craigslist but I know of an ‘87 outboard Enforcer project for sale in Cincinnati, Ohio for $1,000 has a galvanized trailer as well.

WTF is this? coned Volvo drive with Merc Horizon inboard motor? I don't think it came from the factory like that. Also has water dumps that look like they are hooked to exhaust. I'm betting this had a bigger motor or boosted engine at some point and the Horizon engine was a drop-in to sell it. Looks clean though but not sure worth 29k with mis-matched driveline!
WTF is this? coned Volvo drive with Merc Horizon inboard motor? I don't think it came from the factory like that. Also has water dumps that look like they are hooked to exhaust. I'm betting this had a bigger motor or boosted engine at some point and the Horizon engine was a drop-in to sell it. Looks clean though but not sure worth 29k with mis-matched driveline!

I dont see what the big deal is. Both engines are BBC, and my feeling is the Volvo SX drive is better than a Bravo 1
I homed in on the Seattle Convincor right away as there aren't a lot of choices around here usually. It's in Point Roberts so you kinda got to go to Canada to get to Roberts or take a 7 mile run from Blaine, so now I'm kinda bummed out.