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Even More CL Finds!

WTF is this? coned Volvo drive with Merc Horizon inboard motor? I don't think it came from the factory like that. Also has water dumps that look like they are hooked to exhaust. I'm betting this had a bigger motor or boosted engine at some point and the Horizon engine was a drop-in to sell it. Looks clean though but not sure worth 29k with mis-matched driveline!

His reply "the engine is a 7L, 4 bolt, ported heads, performance cam and springs, and roller rockers, merc fuel injection and my guess would be approximately 375HP and has 242 hrs on it. It was a pull out engine from and boat we put a 540 in. it runs about 50 mph with this engine."
His reply "the engine is a 7L, 4 bolt, ported heads, performance cam and springs, and roller rockers, merc fuel injection and my guess would be approximately 375HP and has 242 hrs on it. It was a pull out engine from and boat we put a 540 in. it runs about 50 mph with this engine."

So its an old 427ci engine? Something is very wrong here with everything he is saying. lol. 50mph with 375hp is waaaaaay slow. His price is really high. To me, it's basically a really clean hull that you can't trust anything about the driveline.
My guess is its a 7.4L that was too slow at 300hp. They did some upgrades etc.

I dont get why people think the price is low, it is well below book, looks pretty clean.
88 251 Convincor w- blown 454 for 9.5K.

90 CM cat reduced to $4500.

87 Enforcer OB project for $1500.

87 Eluder w- 350 for $8100. Still for sale-

Somebody needs to buy that beautiful Eluder before I do and my wife divorces me! (I also like the 89 Enchanter IO).
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88 251 Convincor w- blown 454 for 9.5K.

90 CM cat reduced to $4500.

87 Enforcer OB project for $1500.

87 Eluder w- 350 for $8100. Still for sale-

Somebody needs to buy that beautiful Eluder before I do and my wife divorces me! (I also like the 89 Enchanter IO).

If it was an outboard boat I'd own it!
That 2400brx is up here in the Northwest kind of over by Jimway. I love the graphics package and colors on that one. I think it’s not even a bad price for one of those. I wondered how long it will be on the market? Too long and too rich for me or I’d be trying to buy it.
I homed in on that one also, but..... the wake tower. I'm thinking that the price is kinda high but who knows. 76mph isn't going to do it, 96 would be more like it.
I homed in on that one also, but..... the wake tower. I'm thinking that the price is kinda high but who knows. 76mph isn't going to do it, 96 would be more like it.

:poke: Wake towers are removable, might even get some money for it if you sell it to someone who wants it.

Your smooooooth talking negotiation skills should be able to get the owner down to a more reasonable number and a 400R swap will take care of that pesky little only does 76mph problem.

Come on Jim,
One time only chance to have one of Checkmates most desirable hulls satisfying your boating needs in a most elegant and wicked way. Think of all the family and friends you can pile into that one.:D
A good chunk of that price is wrapped up in that Tohatsu. Not a terrible deal if it is a new motor. Kinda digging the windshield.

And that Ambassador needs an LS swap.