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Even More CL Finds!

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/59658 Faster better ride -$3500

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/53124 Faster -$1500

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/52945 Similar not quite as nice -$7000

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/51825 faster -$8000

https://www.powerboatlistings.com/view/51454 much faster -$4500

www.powerboatlistings.com/view/51435 faster and better ride - $4000

These boats are all faster, and newer, some have better rides as well. The dollar amount is how much less than the Enforcer. This list took me 5 min to put together. I will give you that if you want an Enforcer only it is your best option, but most people arent so narrow in their boat searches.

That info could be very helpful to the seller. You should contact him and help him price his boat.
That info could be very helpful to the seller. You should contact him and help him price his boat.

Now that is funny!

See you guys think I'm just being a :banana:
however, I'm selling my boat and looking for a 23-24 foot boat. I like that boat, but as it sits I think its overpriced. That is if he wants to sell the boat. If he wants to wait to find someone looking for that particular boat thats fine too, but I'd bet it takes quite a while.
FYI: Many if not most of the ads on Powerboatlistings.com are old and no longer for sale. That site will just not remove ads when requested.

No boat is a GTO. Boats dont appreciate.

Disagree. I've made a few bucks on every boat I've ever owned except one I sold to a friend. My boats appreciate because I research them, compare them, research some more, and am not scared to walk away from a p.o.s. I know what I should pay for a boat to not get hurt owning one. Rule #1, pay cash. If you can't pay cash for the boat don't buy it unless you can live on it or are using it for a tax write off....Unless of course you are making 500k a year, in which case you are not reading this.
You know, I am of a similar opinion on this one. Buddy of mine has an old (there's that word again) speed boat, I think it cost around $6000 when new in the mid 60's. I'm guessing it would go for three times that amount today. It's a kind of a GTO of sorts of the water.
Someone lists his boat for far too much money because he really does not want to sell it. This is good for you...How?

I don’t think your fully appreciating on how AMAZING this Checkmate really is!!!

All I know it must be more then 3x’s amazing then my 00 zt24 was a few yrs ago even thou the 00 had more HP and less hrs.

( Honey, I tried to sell it. )
Sure but using your logic if they also see the ZT 280 for $27K that has just been posted your back to reality.

Not necessarily. The 280 has twice the hours, less horsepower, lower quality trailer, lesser stereo. If it has a bimini its not as good. Plus the 260 is at the upper limits of a 1/2 ton truck, a 280 is probably over.

Plus I think mine looks better (for selling purposes)