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Even More CL Finds!

Wow that Enforcer seems cheap. Does it make me a bad person if my mind always thinks scam? The ad actually looks legit, but im still skeptical.
I didn't get a response back and then the posting went away. May have sold it, price seemed high but without standing there, who knows. In my minds eye, now somewhat astigmatic but widescreen and true color, I was confident of wringing out another 6 mph, stripped down to only my swim trunks, hunkered down behind the windscreen, bow cover in place, cockpit cover overhead, some octane boost in the form of some of you know who's home made corn liquor surreptitiously added to the fuel tank, an early morning run downhill, er, ah, downwind, across the lake with just enough breeze to ripple the surface.....
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I love that 88 original and great shape SkiMate! CM was before their time on that model and I believe an updated model would sell. Kunkels always said that was one of the most efficient CM hulls. Wish I didn’t have my old CM race boat project or I would be going to MI......
I didn't get a response back and then the posting went away. May have sold it, price seemed high but without standing there, who knows. In my minds eye, now somewhat astigmatic but widescreen and true color, I was confident of wringing out another 6 mph, stripped down to only my swim trunks, hunkered down behind the windscreen, bow cover in place, cockpit cover overhead, some octane boost in the form of some of you know who's home made corn liquor surreptitiously added to the fuel tank, an early morning run downhill, er, ah, downwind, across the lake with just enough breeze to ripple the surface.....

Well the 87 Starflight for $7500 in Spokane looks like a better deal anyway.
So I really like the Enforcers and was curious how they would handle more power. Im thinking in the ballpark of 470-525hp.

Do the older checkmates have problems with stress cracking etc.
I love that 88 original and great shape SkiMate! CM was before their time on that model and I believe an updated model would sell. Kunkels always said that was one of the most efficient CM hulls. Wish I didn’t have my old CM race boat project or I would be going to MI......

It really has me thinking......