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Even More CL Finds!

Some interesting stuff going on in the engine compartment of the Jersey Shore Convincor. That yellow accoutrement looks a lot like a velvet drive.
I think you may be spot on with the F.C. Vessel appears to exhibit after effects of warp drive. I'm liking the boat though.
'06 pulsare of transom?

So the 24 long deck ad states the transom has been replaced.....Checkmate still hadn't figured out how to seal things up during the build by the year 2006?????

79 entertainer was 5800
Now lowered to 4500

Boat is my friends it is sitting in my yard.
I can vouch it is very clean.
He has another boat and doesnt use it.
Someone please snatch it up and give it a good home
I also wouldn't mind some of my yard back haha.

Looks like a pretty good deal. The engine cover /top back transon area seems to not have near the shine to the gelcoat that the rest of the boat has, was that area left uncovered in the sun?
Looks like a pretty good deal. The engine cover /top back transon area seems to not have near the shine to the gelcoat that the rest of the boat has, was that area left uncovered in the sun?

Good question I'm not sure how much of the history he knows of the boat. I do know that he hasn't buffed the back hatch this year. He didn't do a buff this year and it still looks real good at least in my opinion.(Yeah yeah I know I know why not do a full cut buff and wax?) I could quick hit it with my high speed buffer and take pics.

Poor boat. Somebody get that thing out from under that tree and apply copious amounts of hot water and soap. Ew. I'm going to assume that it is water and not oil under 'new' outdrive. I'm guessing that's a wrap (in more ways than one) on the exterior. I wonder how much moisture is retained under the rubber matting. Tie downs should be wrapped around some lumber but at least there is something there, maybe turn them upside down or would that be right side up to get that winch part of strap away from vessels gelcoat. I would spend an inordinate amount of time inspecting this one before purchase. Roller trailer, or is it bunk, or roller bunk, or maybe bunk roller, but at least it's galvanized. Definite fail, with prejudice, for placement of hitch insert where it will fall on someones toes.
So that Enforcer drops its price on the day i get the money from selling my ZT.

Can anybody tell me about the ride in a 24' Enforcer?
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