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Even More CL Finds!

Mooneys, I’m not usually an OMC fan but that Pulsare is very sharp! Post some pics when you get her safely home.
Mooneys, I’m not usually an OMC fan but that Pulsare is very sharp! Post some pics when you get her safely home.

Thanks, SCT, my second Checkmate, and now that I live in Florida, so I can run it pretty much all year round :banana:

I looked at the 81 Entertainer BR first, then that Yellow 90 Vision 220 BR. Both were very nice boats, but the 2008 Pulsare 2000 BR seemed like a much better opportunity to own a newer Checkmate. My last boat was OHIOCHECKMATES 86 Starliner I took to the 2005 (maybe 2006, can't remember which year I went) Checkmate gathering in Sandusky Ohio. This boat reminds me of that boat and style a lot. I don't mind OMC, but not familiar with the newer ETEC HO engines. I hope it's a good reliable engine at 11 years old.

More pics to come once I get to NC Friday and again back home to Florida Fridy night.
So what is going on here same boat, two adds, different price, maybe different location? Great looking boat, has anyone called , is this a scam?

One location is where the owner is I believe. The boat is in Bucyrus and also trying to be sold for the owner by a guy there. If you want more pictures or something, I can go get them for you.
That 92 260 Enforcer is a lot of boat for the $$$.

It's been for sale for a long time. I found pictures of it on FB. Looks like it has bottom paint, the lower unit is pitted, and I wonder how deep the scratch/gouge is in the hull.
One location is where the owner is I believe. The boat is in Bucyrus and also trying to be sold for the owner by a guy there. If you want more pictures or something, I can go get them for you.

Thanks coop, I’m not interested as it’s too rich for me and too long for my garage, I would love to own it otherwise. But there have been a couple posts here of individuals looking for a 2400brx and it certainly can’t be in bad shape at one year old and nearly zero hours. Should be a decent buy for someone, just seemed a little odd with the two adds.
That Playmate Sport looks nice. 67 hours. You can see where the fuel cap has been leaking down and back on the port side. A whole bunch of original stuff too. Strange to me vent on starboard side where fuel filler could also go. Wish that one were closer.