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Even More CL Finds!

I thought that Convincor looked very familiar!! That boat used to be for sale right just around the corner from my home!! I looked at it quite a bit, but wasn't in the market at that time to buy a bigger 'Mate. The registration is exactly the same in Craigslist add as it in this pic i have of the boat when it was for sale in my neighborhood, i wonder if the add is a scam since this say's it's in Cape Coral Florida now? (this pic is probably 10 years old so it may have migrated south since then...) Very cool boat, had a factory 502 in it back then...

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Thank you, CF. I like posting these CL ads for everyone but the fake ads concern me. I would hate for anyone to waste time or money due to a fake boat ad posted on this thread. If anyone suspects a fake ad, please let me know and I'll ask the CM moderators to delete the ads.

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Probably a scam.

Gorgeous boat in pixs but all show the KY registration and none of the pics appear to be in Fla.
Also, ad has no phone #.

Thats always a flag to me unless texts are specified in ad which this one is not.

i wonder if the add is a scam since this say's it's in Cape Coral Florida now? (this pic is probably 10 years old so it may have migrated south since then...)
Probably a scam.

Gorgeous boat in pixs but all show the KY registration and none of the pics appear to be in Fla.
Also, ad has no phone #.

Thats always a flag to me unless texts are specified in ad which this one is not.

That's what i was thinking too, since it used to be right here in my neck of the woods. If you look closer it's actually NY reg, last i knew of the boat it was up around Geneva NY. I'd actually like to know if the boat is legitimately for sale, i passed on it years ago, even tho i don't have the room for it (unfortunately), i've always kinda regretted not buying it!
This looks like it was one of Wildman's boats. I think it's a 2100LD with a bunch of his special rigging items including the 14" of setback.

It's at a dealer and they think it does 60mph.

I owned this boat. I traded a 2400 Pulsare to the original owner for it about 8 months after he bought it new from Randy. Randy had not yet perfected the setup for Pulsares for max speed until around the time I bought it. He gave me some help and I was able to hit mid 90's mph......it's more than 14" setback I can tell you that....also, you need the right prop...
