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This ones in Western Canada, looks good in the pictures and probably Canadian dollars, so 30% cheaper than everything else. If you like Blue it looks pretty nice, just a lot bigger boat than I can use.

That one looks clean, but it is an odd assembly of drivetrain.

Volvo drive and Merc Horizon (inboard) motor.

With the water dumps installed above drive on transom, I think it had larger power at one time and was stripped of good parts and assembled with what was lying around.

She is not stock, and still asking decent money for it even considering the exchange rate.
Looks like has nose cone... wonder how much HP drive can handle?

I used a broker to import into the US which was about $400 back in 2010.
well worth it to avoid crossing issues
Looks like has nose cone... wonder how much HP drive can handle?

I used a broker to import into the US which was about $400 back in 2010.
well worth it to avoid crossing issues

Frankly Volvos are much more robust design than a merc bravo. Innovation Marine used to have a 600 HP package coupled to Volvo DPX drive. Those who had them loved them and they were reliable. Still some out there but drive is long discontinued and parts are hard to find when something goes wrong. Performance market just never embraced volvo and resale with volvo package is difficult and price takes a hit.
HA. Fuel don't miss nothin. Vessel looks nice. I could do blue. No TTD's and what's up with rear marker lights. Not a big fan of painted trailers. Looks like Skyline Marina in Vancouver area. I'm kinda amped up on this one, it's only a couple of hours away...
I used a broker to import into the US which was about $400 back in 2010.
well worth it to avoid crossing issues[/QUOTE]

How do you go about getting a broker, what do you look for??? Thanks :confused:
I used a broker to import into the US which was about $400 back in 2010.
well worth it to avoid crossing issues

How do you go about getting a broker, what do you look for??? Thanks :confused:[/QUOTE]

Can't remember who I used but suggest start here
Not sure how this covid-19 will screw things up?

May also go to S&F and inquire over there.