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Even More CL Finds!

Who thinks Karzrus should get out his checkbook and buy that gorgeous 79 Entertainer.......:banana:


So I e-mailed the guy asking for allot more details. He got back to me, but was at this point was only able to give rather general comments about the gel work done. Didn't know the shops name and only that the sides, stern and top deck were redone. No information on the condition of the wood in the floor, transom or stringers. He did say the seat bases all have new wood. He does not have the windshield centre section. He did not provide any details about the motor except to say it was the original block that has been bored and stroked. The leg is stock original too, no information on when it was last rebuilt.

He said if I'm really interested he would pull it out and take more pictures.

For me, at anywhere near his asking price, I'm out.
Price seems high (possibly, as in the phrase, 'Are you high?') Does have transom tie downs present. Bunk material is color coordinated too. Call up Bay Rock Marina, tell em you are Paul Drake, and see if they have any info on the vessel. Likewise, right next door is the Marine Upholstery and Canvas Shop. Maybe they did the interior work. Prop looks about right. Outdrive may have been in contact with 'The' bay rock from the looks of the skeg. Are we talking gel or clear coat here.
Price seems high (possibly, as in the phrase, 'Are you high?') Does have transom tie downs present. Bunk material is color coordinated too. Call up Bay Rock Marina, tell em you are Paul Drake, and see if they have any info on the vessel. Likewise, right next door is the Marine Upholstery and Canvas Shop. Maybe they did the interior work. Prop looks about right. Outdrive may have been in contact with 'The' bay rock from the looks of the skeg. Are we talking gel or clear coat here.

No doubt the boat looks good in the three pictures, but at that price he should be ready to market the heck out of it. He needs to know every detail because anyone paying that money should want to know what makes that boat so special and worth all that extra $$$

I could not get enough information from the seller before I started to feel like he would never be able to answer any of the most vital questions I wanted answered.

Maybe someone will just see it and have to have and pay him?
If this hadn't spent its life in salt water, I'd be on my way to Florida. I'd love to have a unique 300 like that. I think it would run pretty good with my LS and a pair of hairdryers.

Is that one of the brochure boats or featured on the old Checkmate website? Bet it's the only one that looks like that.

Low hours and probably not stored in the water so I think it would clean up with a new set of gauges, trim tabs and outdrive, but I didn't see a trailer in the listing either.
If this hadn't spent its life in salt water, I'd be on my way to Florida. I'd love to have a unique 300 like that. I think it would run pretty good with my LS and a pair of hairdryers.

I'm pretty sure that's the Convincor that was tested in PowerBoat Magazine back then, i have the issue somewhere. For 34.9K that seems like a steel with the low hours and Merc blue motor, and it's a great looking boat too!
If this hadn't spent its life in salt water, I'd be on my way to Florida. I'd love to have a unique 300 like that. I think it would run pretty good with my LS and a pair of hairdryers.

It looks like that 525 has closed cooling, so the salt shouldn't be so bad for that
part of the package.