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Even More CL Finds!

That 251 is on the Facebook market places and I've tagged a few of the locals. Why do these boats always show up when I have other commitments? I could park that thing at my shop and it would be like spring before anyone even noticed I had another boat around here. :D
Say what you will about Baja molds, but we had to build a lot of new smaller molds to make that SFX250 happen. The tanks, the wells, the console, the wrap around seating, all brand new. Of everything, that's probably the best thing they could have saved from Baja. Probably the best seller of the bunch too. I wouldn't have a problem owning one.

014 250 SFX w- 300 Verado for 61.5K.

But the people selling the one in the above post sure should clean theirs up before they try to sell it. :lol:
Who thinks Karzrus should get out his checkbook and buy that gorgeous 79 Entertainer.......:banana:


I wondered if I was going to get called out on this one.

I had a look at the add, it is nice and I’ve been thinking about calling to find out if any of the wood was done when the gelcoat was and who did the work. Also wondering if they flipped it over and did the bottom too, because at that price I wouldn’t want to have to strip out the interior to fix the transom, floor and stringers or have a bunch of unrepaired gouges in the bottom.

I ready should call, because it is everything I’d want in an old model.

Is it just me making excuses or is the interior rather plain with all that white. Should it have been two tone with a dove grey or a navy blue and that white?
You make some good points on that restoration, the interior does look a little plain.

On another note, that Enforcer may be on the way to my shop this weekend. The crew is going to love it. :poke: