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Even More CL Finds!

17 Spectra w- 150 OMC for $1900.00.

Exciter w- 150 Merc for $2700.00.

89 Strobe w- 350 Mag for 5K.

Mercruiser 500 EFI for 10.8K. Rebuilt- 0 Hours.

93 Persuader w- 350 Mercruiser for $5800.00.

89 Exciter w- 200 Merc for $8500.

89 Vision w- 454 for 12.5K.

84 Exciter w- 200 Merc for $5500. Nice boat.

Starflite w- 225 Yamaha for $2900. Newer floor.

Ambassador w- 5.7L Mercruiser for 13.9K.

88 Sportfire w- 90 Mariner for $6899.

Starflite w- 200 Merc for 6K.

90 Senator w- 351 OMC for $8900

95 Persuader w- 454 for 14K.

72 MX w- 90 Mercury for $800.

88 17' Spectra w- 135 Merc. Notice anything different in the 1st pix?
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I'm guessing the film was flipped because there were no left steer Mates except for Jetmates......
Yep, def a 259/270 then.

I remember it being listed at a 259 last year. I wonder if it is a scammer listing it this time.
Ill, I could be wrong but I don't believe 259s ever had round engine vents like the one on this boat. I think it it a 242/260 but hard to tell from the pixs.
Pretty sure you are right sct. The 242 with the sport deck are what most think of but that was an option, albeit much better looking.
My 259 has those vents. And the notches on the corners of the transom are the same too. From the side its hard to tell with the cover on. But the vents definitely dont rule out 259.
Diplomat IO project w- 4.3L Merc for $400.

77 Convincer w- SBC for 4K. With a little elbow grease, this would be a killer old school boat! Love the green flake.

85 Enchanter IO for 9K. Nice looking boat.

81 Predictor w- 110 Johnson for $1500.

92 28' Convincor for 18.5K. Another bad ad.....
Why would you post a listing with one worthless photo in the winter stating you will not uncover the boat for a buyer until spring. Excellent sales technique right there.