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Even More CL Finds!

I think with no motors on it it would do just fine as is! Id set it on it and make sure it has some tong weight (even just a little) and head home. Might not set any speed records but it should do fine! Hell i was considering pulling the tong stand off of mine and heading out to get the free 28'!! but i think the boss lady would be pissed...

Edit: Well that and then it would just sit in my yard or barn for the next 2-5 years till i could even think bout putting any money in it.

There you go, the price is right and one more for your Fleet. Just remember young Grasshopper.... foot massage and back rub. I say.... do it!!!! :poke:
98 253 Convincor w- procharged 500HP for 29.9K. Ez's boat.....good luck!

99 242 Sport w- 502 for 20K. "Dirtiest" steering wheel award.

85 Enchanter OB for $3500.

71 MX-15 w- 200 Merc for $1400.

88 251 Convincor for 13.5K.

88 Predictor for 2K.

MX-14 for $495.

88 Enchanter IO w- 5.7L for $5200. Sharp boat.

87 Diplomat w- 140 Evinrude for $2800.

78 InMate w- 351 for $4500.

86 Diplomat w- 150 Evinrude for $2500.

76 TriMate IO w- V8 for $1000.

82 Eluder w- 200 Johnson for $1800.
White steering wheel is not that hard to keep clean. Owners hands must be though. Vessel comes with volt/ohm meter to keep you company in case of starting/charging issues?
cheap checkmate with motor for like 250,no title lou,ky

My first 24' Sonic 2' tall letters, taking up the whole side of the hull spelling "Temper Mental" when I bought it.
They were removed before I ever got that thing wet.

Why do people feel the need to ruin the looks of a boat w/gorgeous lines??
Perfect hull to go racing in OPA......man I would love to do it.
Very cool.

After restoring two 24' Sonic O/B's I've decide the easy (-er) way to do it would be to buy a clean I/O boat and convert it.
This would be a prime candidate. No splash well that way either.