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Even More CL Finds!

Bitchin Camaro, dude......😁

The boat does look to be in very good shape. Not sure if I would pay $3500 for a bare hull, though. I'm sure an L1 would look nice in it!
270 Convincor w- 454.

00 260 ZT w- 502 for 21.9k.

03 240 ZT w- 502 for 19.5k.

96 242 Convincor w- 454 for 19.5k.

86 Enforcer w- 350 for 8k. Clean boat for the $$.

92 218 BR Persuader w- 350 Mag reduced to $9900.

Starflite project for $2200.

06 1600 BR Pulsare w- 115 Evinrude for $9900.

The SportFire Section:
90 Sportfire w- 135 Merc for $5500.

89 Sportfire w- 4.3L for 4K.

89 Sportfire w- 88 Evinrude for $2800.

87 Sportfire w- 350 for $4500.

87 Sportfire w- 205 hp for $7995.

83 Sportfire w- 3.0l for $3800.
Uh ohhhhh.... Looks like a trip to PHX is in order Labor Day wknd.

if your thinking about that 2100br, that ones been for sale for a while, JW pointed out that if you look close in the picture of the bow/play pen area, you can see fading in the gelcoat where the bow cover stops and does not protect from the sun. Still a nice boat.
if your thinking about that 2100br, that ones been for sale for a while, JW pointed out that if you look close in the picture of the bow/play pen area, you can see fading in the gelcoat where the bow cover stops and does not protect from the sun. Still a nice boat.

It'll buff out :bigthumb:

I'd swap him my 95 219 Persuader if the floors are in good shape on the 77. He's about a grand too high on the price. A buyer has got to really want the Ford 460, and those dual carbs sticking through the 'glass could be finicky.

I think the running one is a better deal, if it checks out and can be purchased at the right price (it's been on the market for a while). Plus for me, it's a lot closer to South Bend, than Peoria. And I really don't need another project right now....