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Even More CL Finds!

I swore my next boat was going to be a no-wood liner boat, but if he was closer to me I'd be eye-balling this boat. Looks like a nice 21' bow rider with a reliable mid-90's motor, being a three liter even better. And it's a model worth saving if/when it needs core/floor/transom.

Larry isn't scared of a road trip, I'm sure delivery partial or full is available.
Think you are correct, Coop. Looks like a 230 ZT. It's not deep enough to be a 240. Also, CM did not have the 'ZT' paint scheme until early 2000s. What's w- the Baja reference???

As a retirement job, I'm going to write CL add for people!
Think you are correct, Coop. Looks like a 230 ZT. It's not deep enough to be a 240. Also, CM did not have the 'ZT' paint scheme until early 2000s. What's w- the Baja reference???

As a retirement job, I'm going to write CL add for people!

At least he didn't call it a Checkmate "Cigarette" boat. :bigthumb:
Even tho....I sold off my projects. I still am addicted to this thread looking for that basket case cheap Star Flite that isn't a major road trip to go get.

Would settle for a rotted out Pulsare. :sssh:
Even tho....I sold off my projects. I still am addicted to this thread looking for that basket case cheap Star Flite that isn't a major road trip to go get.

Would settle for a rotted out Pulsare. :sssh:

Some guys enjoy pain... and hurting themselves.

Now hand over the razorblades, put away the salt and vinegar... and get that hot iron out of the fire.
if your thinking about that 2100br, that ones been for sale for a while, JW pointed out that if you look close in the picture of the bow/play pen area, you can see fading in the gelcoat where the bow cover stops and does not protect from the sun. Still a nice boat.

Yup, was at $22k+ early this summer.... I thought 15-17 was fair, it's there now. Going to go take a look next week.
I swore my next boat was going to be a no-wood liner boat, but if he was closer to me I'd be eye-balling this boat. Looks like a nice 21' bow rider with a reliable mid-90's motor, being a three liter even better. And it's a model worth saving if/when it needs core/floor/transom.

Totally agree. Something about the Starliners...I'd like to buy this one too and have a matched set of Blue and Red. My wife would not be impressed. My kids already think I have a boat addiction.
Great deal on a sharp 05 186! (If it's not a scam).

05 186 Pulse w- 175 Yamaha for 6k.

Yeah, that's a clean Pulse. And it's definitley a Pulse. Unlike the one below.
I've been chatting a bit with this guy from SD...here's his ad:


The ad is confusing, is it a Pulse or a Pulsare? So I emailed him with my phone # asking him to send me pics...he did...the plate says Pulse, but I swear it's a Pulsare...not sure what to think about the situation. Could be a deal for someone although it needs power.


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