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Even More CL Finds!

Yeah, that's a clean Pulse. And it's definitley a Pulse. Unlike the one below.
I've been chatting a bit with this guy from SD...here's his ad:


The ad is confusing, is it a Pulse or a Pulsare? So I emailed him with my phone # asking him to send me pics...he did...the plate says Pulse, but I swear it's a Pulsare...not sure what to think about the situation. Could be a deal for someone although it needs power.

Pretty sure there never was a 186 Pulsare. What that looks like to me is Pulsare 1600 by the flat deck on each side of the engine splashwell.

Yeah, that's a clean Pulse. And it's definitley a Pulse. Unlike the one below.
I've been chatting a bit with this guy from SD...here's his ad:


The ad is confusing, is it a Pulse or a Pulsare? So I emailed him with my phone # asking him to send me pics...he did...the plate says Pulse, but I swear it's a Pulsare...not sure what to think about the situation. Could be a deal for someone although it needs power.

Pulsare 1600.
That's a 1600 Pulsare tagged with a Pulse 186 Coast Guard plate rated for 185 hp?! That thing would be a rocket sled!
Pretty sure there never was a 186 Pulsare. What that looks like to me is Pulsare 1600 by the flat deck on each side of the engine splashwell.


No...there never was a 16 Pulsare...he's got a Pulsare with a Pulse plate. Don't ask me how that happens. But, Coop thinks/says it's a 1600. Would be interesting to see it, but I'm not going to drive out there.
No...there never was a 16 Pulsare...he's got a Pulsare with a Pulse plate. Don't ask me how that happens. But, Coop thinks/says it's a 1600. Would be interesting to see it, but I'm not going to drive out there.

Yes there was a 1600 Pulsare. I don't know what the plate says but it's a Pulsare and not a 1850..... there is or was ways, I've heard, to get a different plate on a different model of approximately the same size, I may have known a guy who's done that, maybe.... probably rumor's.
Yes there was a 1600 Pulsare. I don't know what the plate says but it's a Pulsare and not a 1850..... there is or was ways, I've heard, to get a different plate on a different model of approximately the same size, I may have known a guy who's done that, maybe.... probably rumor's.

Absolutely there was a 1600 Pulsare....that was supposed to say "there never was a 186 Pulsare..." I mistyped. I've seen the 1600 Pulsares come up sale occasionally. It would be a cool boat on a small inland lake.
Absolutely there was a 1600 Pulsare....that was supposed to say "there never was a 186 Pulsare..." I mistyped. I've seen the 1600 Pulsares come up sale occasionally. It would be a cool boat on a small inland lake.

Gotchya...Also to make things even more confusing, the current 1850 Pulsare, is basically just the previous 186 Pulse with name changed.

Gotchya...Also to make things even more confusing, the current 1850 Pulsare, is basically just the previous 186 Pulse with name changed.


Actually, not quite. The 1850 has slightly different dimensions from the 185/186 hulls, and the body lines in the fiberglass were simplified. The 1850 measures 100" wide, I think all in the gunnels because mine had rediculously wide gunnels and no more interior room. Really a dumb design compared to modern generic brand boats with skinny gunnels and huge interior room.
I believe the story was the original 185/186 molds were worn out so Checkmate had to make new molds to continue to build that size boat so they tweaked a few things.
Actually, not quite. The 1850 has slightly different dimensions from the 185/186 hulls, and the body lines in the fiberglass were simplified. The 1850 measures 100" wide, I think all in the gunnels because mine had rediculously wide gunnels and no more interior room. Really a dumb design compared to modern generic brand boats with skinny gunnels and huge interior room.
I believe the story was the original 185/186 molds were worn out so Checkmate had to make new molds to continue to build that size boat so they tweaked a few things.

I remember they had changed them some ,didn't know what because I have never seen one in person. Wide gunnels/gunwales on Checkmates have always made them look cool to me. Yeah they really take away interior room though, but sometimes you have to sacrifice some things to look cool.

Actually, not quite. The 1850 has slightly different dimensions from the 185/186 hulls, and the body lines in the fiberglass were simplified. The 1850 measures 100" wide, I think all in the gunnels because mine had rediculously wide gunnels and no more interior room. Really a dumb design compared to modern generic brand boats with skinny gunnels and huge interior room.
I believe the story was the original 185/186 molds were worn out so Checkmate had to make new molds to continue to build that size boat so they tweaked a few things.

Actually, the molds are in pretty good shape, they just needed a styling update. That's why I haven't built one yet, I'm modifying the molds by filling in the pulse stripe on the sides.
I drove from NC to Atlanta to look at that boat two summers ago and it was a complete waste of time........

You think for that price this thing would be a "Trailer Queen". Also I would expect his "white" steering wheel to be white and not a dirty beige! lol