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Even More CL Finds!

So because an I/O Enterainer with metalflake is my :drool: boat. I had to ask some questions about this one based on what I saw in the pictures and read in the add.

These are the answers from the seller.

Clear coat was repainted with dupont Nason clear. The color and flake are in the gel coat. The boat has never had a ladder or center to the windshield. I believe I have a single center mounted tow hook for it but it does have the two on transom which we have used many times. The transom is solid, the floor had the area between the windshields repaired and the ski stow in floor glassed over solid by McCready railway. The motor n outdrive were built by Reliable Marine. The upholstery was done by GA's upholstery. The boat was in the water 2 weeks ago and ran great. Please let me know if you have any other questions.!

If I was more desperate to find one, I would have a good look at this one. But I think a new floor and wet foam removal are hiding around the corner for the next owner of this one and quite possibly it has a lot more rotten wood than just the floor.

Or maybe I'm wrong and they got the bad stuff out just in time and sealed it up before anything got worse?

Thanks SCT, you keep this up and one day I'm going to be in trouble with my wife when she figures out I have two boats and zero intention of getting rid of either of them.
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looking for some help

Looking at this enforcer

Enforcer OB w- 300 PM for 11.5K.

I had a ZT-260 and overall liked the boat. I didnt like the way it drove specifically when turning it would flop whichever direction I was turning, but little turning would actually happen. I attribute this to stepped hull design. Anyway being a 24 with no integrated swim platform should make the running surface similar to my 260 without the flopping.

How does a 24 enforcer handle rough water
Scally, I believe your 260 is a 24’ dead rise where the Enforcer is 19’ (???). So while the enforcer is a good boat, it might not take the chop as good as your ZT. Maybe someone can give you a ride to compare the boats.

Good luck-
Scallywag the link goes to no where now so I can not verify which boat you are looking at but if it is the one I think it is it should be about the same as my 83 Enforcer SX outboard. I was running a 250hp Yamaha VMax on mine with 18" of setback. I would not say that my boat is a great rough water boat but it also was not bad with that setup. If that is the boat with the 300 Merc on it I feel there is some setup work needed though as I was able to get 68 GPS out of mine before I broke it I am pretty sure. It has been several years since it has been wet so memory might be off there but I know I did better than 65 with the 250.