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I am not happy about this at all


Well-known member
I just checked back in on my "convincor 300 reports/info" thread to find it CLOSED!

Not cool at all! Like i posted in MY thread, i am not in any hurry to make the move. I am still silently researching the boat and strongly leaning that direction. Dont you think i might want to continue MY thread in the near future? MAN!!!

This is a perfect example of one bad apple ruining it for the rest.

SRTOUTLAW, thanks for posting your 300 and dont give up on the forums.

CHRIS, i understand why you closed it but is there any chance you can wipe out the bull and re-open it?
I just checked back in on my "convincor 300 reports/info" thread to find it CLOSED!

Not cool at all! Like i posted in MY thread, i am not in any hurry to make the move. I am still silently researching the boat and strongly leaning that direction. Dont you think i might want to continue MY thread in the near future? MAN!!!

This is a perfect example of one bad apple ruining it for the rest.

SRTOUTLAW, thanks for posting your 300 and dont give up on the forums.

CHRIS, i understand why you closed it but is there any chance you can wipe out the bull and re-open it?

Thank you Sippy Rat. That means a lot to me as I have to admit I was seriously considering terminating my account here after that last round adolescent BS! Sorry your thread got locked. I posted that pick of my boat and immediately was attacked again for the umpteenth time.

Anyway Merry Christmas:cheers:
This is a prime example why I dont start threads or post musch here anymore. Every time you start a thread, the same had full of idiots hijack it with something. Either a debate between each other or something totally unrelated to the original post. There isnt much done about it, one of the reasons I am no longetr a supporting member.

I will admit I was once part of it, but once after a few not so nice PM's, I stopped.
It's December, a lot of people haven't had their boats out for a while so they're grumpy, and they've got way too much time on their hands.
my experience on this forum has been 99.99% good. the members i have met and dealt with have all been A+. i have learned a lot and believe it or not i think i have maybe even helped a few a time or two.

i have witnessed a few disagreements hear and there. a couple of which have involved the same members. but i don't care to get involved or choose sides. its really not my business but this time i lost and i didn't even have a horse in the race.

lets face it, we are men and it is as normal for us to have "foot in mouth disease" as it is to defend ourselves when we feel threatened. now with that being said, we are men and we need to act like men think more about what we are saying and what kind of effect it might have on someone. and sometimes its best to be a man and walk away........its not just this forum youre going to run into this no matter where you go

no guys i am no therapist:D and yes winter stinks

CHRIS, i don't want you to take this thread the wrong way. i completely understand what took place
Chris can probaly cut out the off topic parts for you. The other thing you can do is start a new thread and copy and paste all the good stuff from the closed one. That would be alot of work but possible.
Chris should be able to throw the thread into outer space and with the miracles of time travel have it reappear all cleaned up and reopened. I know he can do it, I have seen it before.:cheers:
This is a prime example why I dont start threads or post musch here anymore. Every time you start a thread, the same had full of idiots hijack it with something. Either a debate between each other or something totally unrelated to the original post. There isnt much done about it, one of the reasons I am no longetr a supporting member.

I will admit I was once part of it, but once after a few not so nice PM's, I stopped.

My guess is that we lost some of our long time members around here for the exact reasons you stated.

I won't cave in because I am too stubborn. I will continue to support the site because I still believe the positives out weigh the negatives. Drama will happen on any given forum because there will always be a difference of opinion and people often mistake the "tone" of a post.

I still believe that this is one of the best sites around. We just have a few members that need to get their wings clipped by Chris.:thumb:

Compared to some of the other forums I am a member of anything that happens on here is pg rated. I see arguments that don't belong on here but nothing that is really that bad. This is a tame enviroment, I think that maybe there should be an off topic area that is password controlled to members who have been online for a certrain amount of time and have a minimum post count to have access. I am on another forum that has this with a rotating password and it keeps the topics hidden that Chris wouldn't want people such as potentional customers to see and allows people to get things out of their system.
You guys make some good points. I mod on a couple of other boards and this place isn't that bad. Unfortunately all too often the knowledgeable, level headed people are run off by the instigators. At the same time it helps to have a bit of a thick skin and it takes a bigger man to let something roll off his back than it does to get into an e-argument with someone.
You guys make some good points. I mod on a couple of other boards and this place isn't that bad. Unfortunately all too often the knowledgeable, level headed people are run off by the instigators. At the same time it helps to have a bit of a thick skin and it takes a bigger man to let something roll off his back than it does to get into an e-argument with someone.
What John says is true. I belong to one other forum, Scubaboard where the egos are so big that half the people spend a tremendous amount of time just ripping each others opinions apart as if their lives depend upon it ( which, to a certain degree it could be argued it might. Things happen real fast at depth ). Mostly though it's about ego and pissing rights.
That's why I mostly just lurk and learn. I'm tired of hearing how little I know after 30 years of diving compared to the Big Boys (and girls- that's where this site differs from Scubaboard which is at least 10-50 times the size of here and a goodly percentage of estrogen acting very testosteronelike).
Some mean-spirited egos on this site but mostly a bunch of decent guys bantering and sharing. I feel at home here. Wouldn't get run off by a few people behaving poorly.
All good points, from what I've seen on other forums this one is pretty tame, they can get pretty ornery on the other boards and it seems anything flys that you want to say, there are a few here that like to stir the pot but I too feel at home here, hell I share way to much on here probably but it's because I feel I have friends here, there ain't much going on in my life that you guy's don't know about, sorry if it's too much, LOL.

On the road in my semi for 4 days a week you guy's are my only interaction with the outside world and it keeps me busy at night, and I won't lie, it's entertaining at times to watch the BS that goes on in some threads late at night when the beers are flowing, I was not happy about what happened to my thread that day either, yeah it stayed open but the whole thing doesn't make any sense now, might as well delete it, oh well, like I said threads evolve :lol:

I have had some personal stuff like quiting drinking that through PM's the members here have really helped with as well as all the great info on setting up my boat along with other things, as long as I can log in and there is a forum here I will be a supporting member.
John is right on the money here.. Some people don't like outboards and some don't like I/O's.. Some don't like the colors of his/hers boat or what they did to it.. This is a info forum for fellow boaters to chat and get ideas. I enjoy it here and don't stray to the other side.. Ok I love cars.. Anyway, The old saying goes,, If you don't have nothing nice to say.. Don't say nothing at all.. I have had a lot of very helpful hints and and not so.. If I don't like it I keep to myself..You guys have helped me more then I can count... Thank You....This is a great group here and I'm proud to be a part of it..AND.. If Chris sees the need to shut down a thread.. He has the right..AND,, If it wasn't for Chris. There would not be this GREAT sight..I know some don't like each other,,so be it.. Just remember, We are fellow boater..We share the same passion.. My thoughts
Happy Holidays
Guys, I try my best.

When we moderate stuff, one group cries "freedom of speech!" - when we don't moderate stuff another group cries "this is supposedly a family friendly site!"

Unfortunately (or fortunately), this is a community of people who all have different personalities, viewpoints, opinions, live in different countries, places etc. etc. etc. So the expectation of some, that I can somehow wave my magic wand and make everyone get along all the time, simply just isn't realistic - although I try to help make that happen where and when I can. But, the simple fact is; that there isn't a country, state, town, street or family where everyone gets along all the time - so how is it realistic for some to expect that to happen here?

In the end, if people want to point the finger of blame at me because I can't make the site perfect for them, as they each sit and judge it from their own little single points of view, then I guess I fail and that just goes with the territory. But the site is what it is - namely, it's a free place for people to come and chit-chat about Checkmates, that I just happened to make the effort to set up, almost ten years ago now, on behalf of y'all. And still to this day, almost everyday, I have to spend a number of hours working this site in an effort to keep it up and running.

I guess as the old saying goes, "you can't please everyone all the time".

Thank You Chris

Dear Chris I Thank You for a This Great Checkmate Site and for All that You have done For All of Us here on this Great Checkmate Forum. You have Done a Great Job and There are a Lot of Us Here that are Thankful for all You have Done. Merry Christmas to You Chris and to All the Other Great Checkmate Members Here. May all Your Wishes Come True and Your 2012 be the Best Year Yet for All of You........Sammie-Action Marine
This forum has always been about Checkmate guys helping and encouraging one another. Chris, you have maintained an incredibly well mannered forum. There are few like it. Freedom of speech does not mean ripping one another and hurling expletives. I applaud you for letting people express themselves but never allowing the site to become a garbage dump of mean spirited drivel. Thanks man and Merry Christmas.
Let it be known that Chris is WAY nicer and more patient than I am. If I feel that he's getting depressed about what's going on around here, or if I feel someone needs to be shut down for a while, I'll do it without hesitation. I typically shoot first, and don't bother to ask forgiveness later. Chris is more likely to moderate a post, but I'm more likely to moderate a member :devil:

We've had quite a few discussions in the moderators area about a few certain members lately. The list is fortunately short, but even one member on our 'list' is one too many. We've collectively banned less than a handful of members since day 1, and I hope to keep it that way.

Chris runs this site for the members. If he were to decide to shut this down, how sucky would that be? So don't be the member I have to ban because I don't want Chris to give this up.

If you feel I might be talking about you, then you ought to rethink how you act on here...................

Everyone else, THANKS for being a fantastic group and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever the case may be! :bigthumb:
This forum has always been about Checkmate guys helping and encouraging one another. Chris, you have maintained an incredibly well mannered forum. There are few like it. Freedom of speech does not mean ripping one another and hurling expletives. I applaud you for letting people express themselves but never allowing the site to become a garbage dump of mean spirited drivel. Thanks man and Merry Christmas.
Thanks Brother - I appreciate your kind words.

You stated things excellently. :thumb:

Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. :)

well i never expected this thread to go this direction either.

i basically just wanted to say that im a little ticked at the ones who crapped on my convincor thread and caused it to be closed. and to ask that it be cleaned up and re-opened.

great site, great members, great moderator, great boats!! yada yada yada

merry x mas to all........
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