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JP's Pulsare ressurection #2

As you can see the bilge has never been cleaned and moisture destroyed the seatbox/backrest. Once the bilge is sanded and repainted with white BilgeKote I'll post another picture. The floor and transom are solid. She's starting to look better each day I work on her!

I just dont understand these older Pulsare's as far as condition goes. Mine was never stored out in open or uncovered but the floor & transom need replacement. My rear seat box, captains & bow seats are perfect though. Its like something as simple as the plug not being put in once may have started the rot & its all downhill after that. Think Checkmate did a poor job of sealing hardware also which may have contributed to the rot.

BTW pics work for me over at S&F.
I just dont understand these older Pulsare's as far as condition goes. Mine was never stored out in open or uncovered but the floor & transom need replacement. My rear seat box, captains & bow seats are perfect though. Its like something as simple as the plug not being put in once may have started the rot & its all downhill after that. Think Checkmate did a poor job of sealing hardware also which may have contributed to the rot.

BTW pics work for me over at S&F.

Madtown, who knows what lurks beneath the floor?? Right now the floor feels solid; there's no excessive flex. I can feel the stringers bulge under the floor from years of people standing in the boat (typical of any 14 year old boat). I'm sure if I were to remove the floor I'd find some problems and possibly some wet foam..but for now I'm just going to doll the boat up and enjoy it. Once I get her back on the water I'll have a pretty good idea if she's running heavy....I have ALOT of seat time behind the wheel of the Pulsare 2100 and should be able to compare her to my last Pulsare. Worst case scenerio, I'll do another floor/stringer replacement using composite materials and shave some weight off the boat and wind up with a better product.
Oh, by the way, for you Pulsare 2100 owners; the rear seatbox, seat cushion and backrest weigh a ton:shakehead:. I was shocked at how heavy the entire assembly was when I removed it:eek:. I may have to search for a secret way to put the back seat on a diet!!! :sssh:

would appreciate it if someone could give a quick explanation of how to open pics on scream and fly. I can find them but when I click on them it tells me I cant go there. Sounds like my first girlfriend. Thanx.
would appreciate it if someone could give a quick explanation of how to open pics on scream and fly. I can find them but when I click on them it tells me I cant go there. Sounds like my first girlfriend. Thanx.

Steve, are you a member of S&F?? You may need to log on with your user name and password.

Steve, I joined to see your pics. I can get in and find your posts. When I try to bring them up it tells me I am not allowed to this area and all the reasons it gives dont apply. Just joined yesterday or day before. Steve.
Just a quick update. I haven't had any time to work on the Pulsare lately..but I did get about 3 hours in yesterday between rain showers:shakehead:. It seems evertime I touch that boat I get rained on!!!:pissed: I removed the old cmc hyd. jackplate, unscrewed all the hose clamps and sanded the entire bilge. I need to remove the rusty steel backing plates and finish sanding the areas behind the plates so I can prep the bilge for new white BilgeKote paint. Hopefully I won't get rained on next sunday so I can finish my bilge work and begin rerigging and tidying up the wiring!!:thumb:
I finally finished sanding and painting the bilge. At one time the original jackplate loosened up and wollowed out the bolt holes. I reamed the holes out with a wood rasp on the end of my impact drill to get to some fresh wood. I'll fill the holes in with high density glass filler and redrill them out properly to mount the new jackplate. Here's the latest picture of the bilge:

Is that green carpet?

Remember you can not hot link from S&F. :sssh:

Yeah, the carpet is green. It's a bit weather worn on the floor but the carpet on the sides and in the cabin is in great shape. I was thinking about replacing just the floor section with purple to match the theme of the gelcoat stripes which are teal and purple. Then, only the cockpit floor would be purple and everything else would be green/teal.

Does the pic show now?
The only way you'll see the pictures that Jup posted is to be logged in over on scream and fly. I think he's got the pictures hotlinked from there. Here's the picture.
