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Losing Sleep over boat!


Well-known member
I've had so many boats in my life....I started with a Suzuki powered Wet Bike and since have owned:
Sea Ray 17' Seville
Regal 230 Velocity/454 Mag
22' Velocity/Second Effort 225
SeaRay F16 Jet boat
Scout 172 Sportfish/Yamaha 130
Checkmate Spectra 171/Merc 150 XR2
SleekCraft Mod VP/Evinrude 225 Vindicator
Checkmate Pulsare 2100/Merc 225 XRI
Talon T-21/Merc Racing 2.5 carb
Hydrostream Valero YT/Merc 175
Hydrostream AE-21/Merc 2.5
and lastly another Checkmate Pulsare 2100.......
but nothing has kept me up at night like the boat I'm picking up in January!! The Checkmate 2800SX :drool::drool: is keeping my brain twisting all night long!!!:eyecrazy: I'm so tired :sleep::sleep::sleep:!! Do I rig it with twin 2.5 200's or do I buy the 300 Pro max and hunt down a second, maybe just a couple 3 liter 225's...What about the interior?? Reinstall all the cabinetry or leave it out?? Pull all the carpet and headliner down and spray the entire inside in splatter white gelcoat and keep it simple and maintanance free???...and then there's the cockpit.....carpet or Pirelli flooring..or spray in bedliner?? What about recovering all the vinyl seats and replacing the wood?? So many decisions to make!!! It's gonna be a long few weeks!!!:yell:


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The Need 4 Speed

JP, I don't think that you are old enough to have fulfilled your " Need 4 Speed " yet so I forsee twin 2.5's in your future. (LOL) And you know which 2.5's I mean. Good Luck with your project she's a Beauty
I can say I've been there myself. Its a beautiful boat you're about to pick up, my vote would be whatever powerplants are most reliable would be the ones to get. I'd rather be out every weekend enjoying my 70mph boat rather than fixing my 85mph boat every other weekend.

That boat looks like it's going 110 sitting on the trailer. I don't think you are going to be happy unless it has at least 2(300promax) to back up those looks.

As far as the rest either update all the way or keep it classic, no going halfway.
That is an awesome boat, I would keep it origional as possible.

-Re-install the cabinetry.
-Re-install the origional interior or just replace the skins.
-Add new Perilli flooring w-snap in carpet. The bedliner is convenient idea but it reminds me of a fishing/dive boat.
-Go with a set of 3.0L 225s or 300PMs if you can find a nice used set.

What type of steering is on the boat now? If you go w- 3.0Ls, you'll have to change the wing plates and the ram arms.

What are you thinking on the set backs? Keeping the Gil brackets? Hydrodynamics?

I would add a set of Ktabs or Dana tabs vs the stock ones on it now.

Good luck!
I like the sounds of keeping it original, but for power, I would look for a pair of opti's, prefferably 300's. You can run 2 300xs motors on the same gas it takes to run 1 300promax and be as fast or faster than 2 300promax's. Just my $.02.
The guy on here w/red 21 BR 300promax said he would entertain splitting the boat/motor.

XS's would be sweet, but spendy.
Lol you've got it bad!

I'd put the fastest twin set up you can on it and worry nothing about saving fuel. You can always save your $ on land with food, utilities, entertainment etc etc. when you hit the water you don't need that stress just hit the gas and have fun!

I also like the pirelli floor and re doing the interior
You should have Charlie build you up a nice set of 3.0 EFI's for ya! The one he built for Steve's 21 Trick runs really well. I think twin 3.0 EFI's would be a very reliable setup as well as a torque monster.
I would say keep it original as possible with some modern updates. If you have the funds remove the twin gil brackets and add a set of aluminum setback brackets with hydro JP's. Basically Like I'm doing to my Enforcer.:thumb: Oh and a pair of 300's hanging off the back!!!:D
I am a big fan of making things modern.

Also, as for not sleeping at night. That is me on any given Friday night in the summer time because I know that Saturday morning means boat-time!

I am happy for you JP. When I first saw the price I gave it some thought, but I don't have the time right now and would have to sell my other CM.

Jup any updates?

Ironically, I'm in Maryland right now..only 3 hours away from the boat but don't have enough time to see it due to my flight departure time :irked::irked:!! The weather hasn't been cooperating so Lin still has the twin 260's on the boat. I'm working on possibly buying the boat complete with the motors!:drool: :drool:I've got one guy really interested in the Pulsare and a few guy chomping at the bits on the AE-21 (which I really don't want to sell til after the big River Ranch event the weekend of April 20th). Boats generally don't sell December through the end of February..but when march hits used boats sell like ice water in a heat wave!! Originally I was supposed to pick up the boat in January but Lin's sale on the motors fell through which may be a blessing in disguise because I would really like the twin 260's..:thumb: