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Losing Sleep over boat!

Ironically, I'm in Maryland right now..only 3 hours away from the boat but don't have enough time to see it due to my flight departure time :irked::irked:!! The weather hasn't been cooperating so Lin still has the twin 260's on the boat. I'm working on possibly buying the boat complete with the motors!:drool: :drool:I've got one guy really interested in the Pulsare and a few guy chomping at the bits on the AE-21 (which I really don't want to sell til after the big River Ranch event the weekend of April 20th). Boats generally don't sell December through the end of February..but when march hits used boats sell like ice water in a heat wave!! Originally I was supposed to pick up the boat in January but Lin's sale on the motors fell through which may be a blessing in disguise because I would really like the twin 260's..:thumb:

That sounds like a better deal with the motors!!:thumb: At least you want be looking for motors if they're a part of the package deal. Just wondering what the status was.
i was wondering also if you picked the boat up yet. if you could get it with the 260's that would be awesome. just put the interior back in and go. i know sharkey had my model but basicly the same boat with 260's and when he posted numbers on oso he said he was at 78 gps with more in them.
Jazzy they would look sweet, matching color with the see thru cowl,
as bad a$$ as they are, i think the check would only be able to handle the weight of one of them. i seen the mercury verados at the boat show, the 350 turns to 6800 rpms. thats gotta be a pretty nasty motor. i would say go with 2 of them if it would hold it.
Twin 300X's push SCT's Convincor to 90MPH. The "XS" motors have a bit more torque and typically show a bit better speed.

If I was getting this rig, it would be a no brainer (if funds were no issue ;)).

Good luck with whatever route you choose JP. I can't wait to witness the progress on this machine.

do you think this one is gonna be the last boat you ever do, is this the ultimate for you? i wouldnt be surprised because it is an amazing ride. if it were me i would do whatever i had to do to get a set of these on my boat

Jazzy, this may be the last boat I ressurect! I'm getting too old for all the sticky, itchy glasswork, grinding, crawling into small spaces, late nights, torn up hands, etc.:eyecrazy: Short of the two boats I purchased brand new in my life (1987 Sea Ray Seville, 1988 Regal Velocity/454 magnum), all the rest were used. Of all the used boats I've owned, a few were big ressurections and a labor of love: 22' Velocity/Second Effort 225, Checkmate Spectra 170/Merc 150 XR2, 1994 Checkmate Pulsare 2100/Merc 3 liter 225XRi, 1986 Talon T21/Mercury Racing 2.5 245hp, Hydrostream AE-21/Merc 2.5, and currently in the middle of my 2nd Checkmate Pulsare 2100. I've had other boats that were turn key..bought, enjoyed and sold..but there is something special about "creating" a masterpiece that has been neglected:drool:. I take alot of pride in my work and this 28' Mate will be the biggest project to date. I think she'll be a keeper for a long time with maybe some upgrades in power (once I get my kids through college:D)!! Fortunately most of the hard work is already done!:thumb:
Anxiety is getting to me!!:eyecrazy: After waiting for 6 months..my 28' Checkmate is leaving VA and heading to FL tomorrow morning!!:bounce: It's going to be tough to sleep :sleep: tonight knowing that by tomorrow evening (or the following morning if the driver stops for a rest) the beast will arrive at my doorstep!! :banana: :bigthumb:
Congrats brother!! Aniexty can be one mean lady sometimes!! I feel your pain tho, every friday morning i cant wait for my work day to be over so i can head to the lake and get my Mate out and play!! Good luck with your new toy, shes a beauty!!