Ironically, I'm in Maryland right now..only 3 hours away from the boat but don't have enough time to see it due to my flight departure time!! The weather hasn't been cooperating so Lin still has the twin 260's on the boat. I'm working on possibly buying the boat complete with the motors!
I've got one guy really interested in the Pulsare and a few guy chomping at the bits on the AE-21 (which I really don't want to sell til after the big River Ranch event the weekend of April 20th). Boats generally don't sell December through the end of February..but when march hits used boats sell like ice water in a heat wave!! Originally I was supposed to pick up the boat in January but Lin's sale on the motors fell through which may be a blessing in disguise because I would really like the twin 260's..
That sounds like a better deal with the motors!!