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the fun of refinishing a predictor

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well i put a second coat of white on tonight. i will do one more black and then the red.

the white is not laying as smooth as i would like but oh well. it looks 100 times better than it did. the black looks like glass. i would like to start putting it back together on saturday.

i picked up a pvc rubrail on ebay. it is pretty stiff. i hope i can get it to bend around the bow.

at least the weather is all crappy here so im not in too much a rush to get it done.
thanks geoff. i hope it looks as good as it does in my head.

i have a buddy who can cut me the checkmate graphics.

what style should i go with? i like the 70's with the knight in the middle. i also like the style in like the late or mid 80's where it is kinda big.
go for the same ones that adam got for his predictor. I think those are the best looking. Im looking for that style but in yellow to match the racing stripe on my merc. should stand out nice

I dont want to sound like im brown nosing but when your done painting and you put your new seats back in, that is going to be the best looking predictor around:surf:
The 78 looks much slicker than some of the later years
thanks guys. i just layed out a coat of red. it looks like its going to take a couple to look good. the red is a bit thinner than the others.

i was thinking of trimming all the lines with a silver pinstripe. or maybe just where the red meets the black. i guess ill have to look at it after the tape is off.

as for the red stripe on the side; i think im going to do that with a 1/2" stick on pinstripe. masking it off and staying a 1/2 inch wide exactly was too hard.

one more coat of black and then sunday is crunch time. i think i can get it all together in 2 days. i know how its all supposed to go so..........
time for final assembly. paint is done. it could use a buff here and ther but that is the last thing on my plate right now. i hope to have it mostly together tonight.


today i got all the gauges, steering, jackplate, and some trim mounted. tomorrow i want to hang/wire the engine and get the rub rail mounted.

i made a transom plate out of a stainless tailgate cover from a truck. we had one laying around at work so i was able to grab it for a price. it took me around 2 hours to get it all cut and looking good. i should have done more tonight but i was on it for 9 hours already. im pretty burnt out.
i've been busy

i got the rub rail on today as well as the engine. its all wired up. fuel tomorrow and it should run.

i had to use my old outboard hoses. rick racer has yet to send me the new 2" kit with polished trim rings. these old ones look like garbage. i threw away the boots to mount it to the boat planning on using the new kit.:o


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