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Well you all can officially welcome me to the Checkmate family!

sweet boat man! congrats on the purchase!:thumb: one of my favorite convincors out there!
Thanks guys! It only took two years or so for the stars to aline financially and otherwise to finally buy a boat. I would shop for boats real hard for awhile only to not be able to make my finances quite work. Or the boat wouldn't be quite right. Then I would get frustrated and give up for another six months. So it's been a long road!
Thats my favorite Convincor of all Checkmates, what power did you get in it. Are you going to make Lake Norman or CM rally


Thats my favorite Convincor of all Checkmates, what power did you get in it. Are you going to make Lake Norman or CM rally

Jason has it rigged with a 496 H.O. so it won't be the fastest boat out there. But it gets me on the water this summer and that's all that matters to me right now. I will be souping it up on down the line for sure!

As far as Lake Norman or the Checkmate rally I really have not given them any thought. I have a summer cabin at lake Raystown here in Pennsylvania and I primarily will be boating there.


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The FLAMER got bought!!
Nice boat, I've studyed it a few times:drool:
You ever gonna have it out in the bay let me know I would love to see it!
Thats a nice ride! Jason and Harold are great people to do business with.Enjoy the boat,come to the cm events if you can!:bigthumb:
One thing I don't have to envy is your R. While its very nice, I'll stick to my Pro-X 330cc cylindered one:


Always great to see another 3 wheeler fan around. I've come across a couple of us on the boat sites I frequent.


It will be living in my 40x60 pole barn with
radiant floor heating.:bigthumb:

Nice to see it being stored inside thats gives others hope of buying it used one
day in good condition. Nice shop kinda looks like a Morton but I dont think it is.
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