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What do you pull your checkmate with??

GM has been selling Big flat front ended trucks since the early 60s. All my GM trucks have been starting with the oldest I have owned being a 62. Sweet isnt it. I can find something I like with all the new model trucks.
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Dan, what made u switch to the dark side?

Partly because of the rear seat room, mostly because I basically stole it!

Seeing that white Chevy of yours makes me second guess a little.

On a side note, why in the world don't the Big Three build these trucks with a stance like yours right out of the box (I think I am answering my own question by saying it has to do with safety and fuel economy). They look great leveled out. You did yours right Brian!
I was always told they had trucks lower in the front than the rear so when they towed a trailer they sit level. the safety people feel it is unsafe to have the rear lower than the front when towing because there is less weight on the front tires and more of a chance it will lose control.
Any plans to mod the new ford? Those new ones look sick with a 6" lift and 35's. Either way nice truck.

Haha, I wish, but the wife wouldn't like it too much! And it wouldn't fit in the garage.

Actually, just tinting the front two windows and maybe a Roush exhaust.