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Where are you from?

Hello All!

Hello All,

I'm new to the forum, my father and I just purchased a 1990 Checkmate 17.5ft Sportfire Runabout. It has a 1996 135hp Mercury outboard engine.

We are both avid water skiers and barefooters, plus I also wakeboard. Needless to say, we are water sports people.

We live in/around Milwaukee, WI, so we have no shortage of lakes and rivers from which we can drop out new Checkmate in, aside from the fact that they are all frozen 8 months out of the year!

I'm happy to be apart of the group and conversation.

I did have a question about which prop I should get for the Checkmate when we are more interesting in pulling more weight behind the boat with water skiers, barefooters, and wakeboarders.

My current prop is a High Five 5-blade, #48-81576-21, 13.25" diameter x 21" pitch.

We aren't as concerned about speed as we really only need to go at most about 40mph for any of those activities, and I wanted to ask the forum what everyone things the best kind of prop I should get. But maybe I should save this question for another thread/forum/blog/whatever.

Thank you!
New (to me) 86 Eluder owner

Hello everyone! My name is Charles, I am currently in Gardner Kansas ... a Kansas City suburb. Purchased my 86 Eluder on Monday and couldnt be happier.
Comox valley British Colimbia Canada

Just joined the world of Checkmate ownership so looking forward to sharing and learning from you all
New owner, new Member

Hey everybody, add another one to Ontario, Canada. Just bought my first checkmate, a 1991 Enticer and I'm located right in Toronto