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Well-known member
Jupiter Pulsare and I were talking about some Pulsares running in the low 90s now with stock set-up. What do you guys think it would take to get a Pulsare over the century mark? Could it be stock or would you have to modify it?

I had a 2100BR w/ a 300X and SM gearcase that would run 90-91ish (gps) w/ a Mec ET. I always thought there might have been 2-3 more mph left in the rig but I sold it.

-How much weight do you think the boat would need to shed to run 100?

-Could the hull do it on the current (6", I think) pad? Or would you have to widen it?

-Of course the hull would need to be blue printed.

-Hydraulic steering would be a MUST.

-Could the boat break a 100 w/ a stock 300X or 300XS? Or would you have to have someone massage an engine?

I wish I had the money to custom order from the factory a real light weight Pulsare 2100. It would have a smaller gas tank, balsa floor and stringers, and maybe a composite transom. No interior except for two cut down race bucket seats.

What do you guys think?
I like where you're going with this Shannon, but there's a problem. The Pulsare 2100 molds are getting worn out and difficult to produce a hull. Should this theory be tested on the 2000 instead? But then we'd have the 250 hp factory limit. :(

I'm thinking to get to 100 with an existing 2100 LD the bottom would have to be blueprinted and the pad widened to 10". That's my guess.
Is the 2000 rated for only 250hp? Has anyone compared the 2100 to a 2000 w/ the same hp? Wildman?
Interesting topic !

bluehealer and I were talking about what it would take to get to 95+

1.) Perfect water and weather conditions. I prefer a small/light wind chop and 50*
2.) Light on fuel.
3.) Well balanced and blueprinted prop.
4.) bluehealer has spoken with a reputable hi-perf. boater/rigger who claims if the transom/hull edge on the Pulsare's were squared off instead of beveled you could possibly gain 1-2 mph.
5.)Probably need setback of 24" or maybe more.
6.)Pull as much weight from hull as possible seats, gear etc.(maybe wouldn't need as much setback if it was lightened considerably)

I think 95 could definitely be attainable with a stock engine but I think to reach 100 there's got to be some moderate to heavy massaging.(boat hull/engine) Those last 5 mph would be extreme. I would guess an engine in the 355-360HP range could produce 100 or shave 450 lbs from the hull ?!

We need to pursue this topic further !
Very interesting....

I think the boat would need to lose some serious weight.

Also, I would try to mimic the pad on an Allison. For no other reason than I think Allisons are pretty sweet and fast boats. Maybe the Allison pad only works with the rest of the Allison design, I don't know?

I tried to get CMATE to do some things with the gas tank on my boat, but they weren't having it. They were "worried about how it would handle without any testing." I could appreciate that.

I also thought of asking if a "light layup" was possible, but by that point Kip and company were pretty sick of me, and I decided not to push it!:)

I would love to see a 100mph in a Pulsare....Who's gonna do it. My money is on Blue Heeler or Hotbeek.

Great thread SCT!
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Joe(checkmate250) has at least 200# of stereo in his boat. Im not sure if he removed it before his last run. i bet it would free up a bit.
. What do you guys think it would take to get a Pulsare over the century mark? Could it be stock or would you have to modify it?
What do you guys think?

I would take a big sledge hammer and knock that egg beater off the back of the boat and drop a big block in it. Just my 02
What hp is he running?

Remember the guy a few yrs ago w/ the modified pad on a Pulsare that was running 80 (?) w/ a 3.0L 225?
He's a member here. Hopefully he'll see this and chime in.

I'm actually trying to some what duplicate his engine setup for my new powerhead.

I don't think too many people here knew I melted two pistons on my last powerhead. I added 100HP shot of nitrous at the end of the season. Needless to say she screamed for a short period of time !:banana: Now it's time to move onto newer, bigger, and better things. New powerhead should be on it's way from FL. Then I'll be transplanting a 300x ecu, simon heads, lightened flywheel, simon intake etc. A lot of swapping from old powerhead to new. I should be up and running again in spring with a new and improved powerhead. Lookout bluehealer !!!:devil:
Do you know is set-up (set back,prop,hydro lift etc..) ???
Hey claupie im runnng 14" of setback and a 29 pitch prop. Ran 89.1 but was flooding motor with fuel. I now have a new regulator on it but trying to find a day to do some testing. 40's is a bit cold for me. Should be in the 90's somewhere I hope. We tested with a regulator a week ago and it woke the motor right up so I know there is more left. Didnt make a speed pass because I couldnt get the cowl on the way the regulator was (put on at ramp). Will post new results when I get them.:cheers