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Hi Guys been a while since I was on the site I will try and take some pictures of my modified 2100 hull tomorrow on the boat lift and post them. I would like to see someone clear 100Mph with a Pulsare but it will take a lot.

My boat is running 84.7 GPS max. 250Xs stock. Torque master 1.62, 10 inches back Tempest Boger modified old style thin blade 26 at 5980 RPM super tight bow cover window in seats out of bow area 1/4 tank of gas.

I did not do the mods the previous owner did he did the pad, cut some weight out of the front, different pads etc. he made a play pen padded floor took the seats out. I put them back but for this speed they are out.

One warning you better know how to drive cause this isn't your normal 2100 when you raise the engine and trim out when it steps up on that pad it wants to fall of it is a real balancing act to keep it level. I am an old boater been driving fast clamp on's for 30 years lots of seat time with many boats Chargers Challengers Hydrostreams. It is a handfull. This mod seems to make my boat run 5-10 miles an hour faster than similarly set up boats but it needs all your attention over 75MPH. I have driven stock 2100 Pulsares they are much more stable and easier to drive at speed. I dont see any diffence in rough water ride.

Pictures coming
How big of a speed difference is there between a pulsare 20 & 21 ft ? My friends ft pulsare with a 3.1 250 Max (non 3.3 hpdi)with 12 inch set back with a bravo worked 30 pitch 4 blade is running faster than any stock 250 we have seen. He has run 83.3 on gps with 3/4 tank and the normal accessories in the boat and no bow cover. He is shooting for 85 set up for a speed run. As far as BADBK goes you cant compare a 300 hpdi to a merc 300xs and expect to get the same numbers. The merc 300 xs has higher compression, reeds and a tuner from the factory. If he added reeds, tuner and bumped his compression up lbs I believe he would see the same #'s that the guys are with there 300xs and with the correct set up. Just my 2 cents. What do you think a 20ft would run with a 300
As far as BADBK goes you cant compare a 300 hpdi to a merc 300xs and expect to get the same numbers.

But I'm awful close:sssh:.... with the right prop I'm SURE I'll hit 90. :surf: Gettin one worked at my prop guy right now. Trying to find a 30 ET to run as well.

Speed in an endless quest... but in all reality, I'm hardly ever boating by myself to get the absolute top speed or in the right water where I go boating for that matter. Which makes me wonder why I must get 90 mph out of it, stock. :confused:
It seems like alot of work to come up with a running bottom that is unstable at speeds just to gain 5 or 10 MPH.
Engine mods would put you there for less work I would think and be a whole lot safer
It looks like a sst bottom without the outer sponsons.

If it were more stable I would say you have something.
Sorry for the negativity but people get hurt and killed in ill handling boats. With no forgiveness in handling one off day or a mistake can be fatal. It has happened to people with vast experiance the list is great.

I have seen guy's with similar pads as the C/M get them notched and it actually improved the handeling (chine walking) and did give them anywhere from 3 to 5 mph hour. 5 to 10 mph -- I never heard of it unless there were engine modifications along with the notching. There is a guy on the Jersey shore who runs a old challenger with a stock 250 merc be had his hull notched by Joey Imprezia on Long Island, as far as the east coast Joey and his crew are as good as it gets. They got 5 mph easily and the overall drivability was like night and day.
Hull modifications in high performance boats should be left in the hands of guy's with a LONG proven track record.
Resurecting an oldish thread...

Seems like there are 2-3 Pulsare 2100's right at 90 with a 300XS and one running 92.4 with a 300X. Props are Trophy, ET, and TXP OT4, all of which are 4-blade.

Many say that a Tempest Plus should run great on top on this hull, but I don't see many speeds. Any experience with this prop?

I tried the Tempest props. I agree they should give some good topend numbers but hole shot was very poor and topend handling was poor also. I was willing to scrub off an extra mph or two just for a much better all around prop.

I never did lab finish a Tempest prop. That could make all the difference in the world. Many Trophy props did not perform well till they were lab finished. I had my best GPS (video recorded speed) of 89.6 with a stock Turbo 29 TXPOT4. I still believe if I had that prop lab finished it would have netted a 91+ for sure.
I agree with you. I didn't like how the Tempest props handled on my 2100BR/300X. My fastest prop was a 28' Merc ET (but sucked out of the hole and mid range). My favorite all around prop was a 4 blade Trophy that had been labbed also. It was great out of the hole, awsome mid range punch, handled great at WOT and was only a few mph off the ET.

I've been told the stock Trophys are hit and miss, though. I think you really have to send them to a prop shop to get the best performance.

You guys both didn't like the handling of the Tempest - what was wrong with it? Chine walk?

I did try a TXP OT4, but it was only a 25P. The holeshot and acceleration was awesome, but it only went 77.4 mph. In all fairness, I was still learning to drive it and it may have touched 80 if I held onto it longer. It was at 6100 on the limiter, though.

BADBK tried a TXP OT3 in a 29P and reported that it was way too talk and only pulled 5200 rpm and low 70's.
Hi Guys been a while since I was on the site I will try and take some pictures of my modified 2100 hull tomorrow on the boat lift and post them. I would like to see someone clear 100Mph with a Pulsare but it will take a lot.

My boat is running 84.7 GPS max. 250Xs stock. Torque master 1.62, 10 inches back Tempest Boger modified old style thin blade 26 at 5980 RPM super tight bow cover window in seats out of bow area 1/4 tank of gas.

I did not do the mods the previous owner did he did the pad, cut some weight out of the front, different pads etc. he made a play pen padded floor took the seats out. I put them back but for this speed they are out.

One warning you better know how to drive cause this isn't your normal 2100 when you raise the engine and trim out when it steps up on that pad it wants to fall of it is a real balancing act to keep it level. I am an old boater been driving fast clamp on's for 30 years lots of seat time with many boats Chargers Challengers Hydrostreams. It is a handfull. This mod seems to make my boat run 5-10 miles an hour faster than similarly set up boats but it needs all your attention over 75MPH. I have driven stock 2100 Pulsares they are much more stable and easier to drive at speed. I dont see any diffence in rough water ride.

Pictures coming

No nose cone at 84mph, your awfull close to blowout.
I had one of my 21 Pulsares up to 102 mph this weekend, but then I had to slow my truck down for the upcoming toll booths!
Yea, I saw that too. Now, the mystery is what prop is he running. I'm guessing either a modified Chopper II, a worked Tempest+, or [call me crazy] a Yamaha prop.

Speaking of which, I've done some engine tweaks and should be around 340 hp now, but I'm on the limiter with my fastest prop at 88.2 mph. I'm about to send off the prop to have some pitch added, but I'm sure you can't add enough pitch to use all 340 of the hp's.
I'm gonna try a 30" prop to keep it off the limiter and back down into the power range. By the way, the prop is not modified! It's right out of the box!