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2001 Convincor 24 with 350 mag mpi

Unless you're looking for something to match your kayak and speedo I would go for the 24. Just my$.02.
Unless you're looking for something to match your kayak and speedo I would go for the 24. Just my$.02.
O.K.- Cats out of the bag- Compare and contrast- speed and rough water ride.
And compared to the Liner?
BTW Mike, Congratulations, that's great! No, no. I meant to say Thank You, thank you very much.
Cat was out in post 7 and 19.

The enforcer I figured out but definitely did not figure out the 24. I can't compare the ride quality but boatmans enforcer colors are too far out there for my taste. But at 10k less I'm sure that makes the style factor even.
The enforcer I figured out but definitely did not figure out the 24. I can't compare the ride quality but boatmans enforcer colors are too far out there for my taste. But at 10k less I'm sure that makes the style factor even.
Agreed on the colors. I'm thinkin' I may be man enough to wear it. If I call it "Hers".:rof:
Yes, of course. Let's compare and contrast speeds as well. And sound. And fuel consumption. Thanks guys!
Can you still catch a tax break an a boat as a second home if it has a toilet?

Toilet and a place to cook (ie: stove or grill).

The Convincor is a much more substantial vessel than the Enforcer. Stand up bolsters make a huge differnence in the rough and are just a different feel even in the calm water. My ZT amazes me with the water it can handle. It has almost made me over confident and I feel the need to back it down a notch this summer.

There is no comparison between the ride of the Starliner and a 24' stand up I/O.

I have ridden in an Enforcer 21'6 and it is a nice fast boat and will likely run better in the rough than the Liner due to the added weight of a car motor, but IMO it is a lake boat none the less.

I would bet that stock vs. stock they are pretty darn close as far as speed. If you are planning on bumping the power much I'd say the 454 and the Bravo drive behind it are more up for that than the 6.0/Alpha package. The extra weight of the big block and Bravo will also help the rough water ride. For fuel economy the 6.0 is probably hard to beat although a 250XS or 300XS on the back of a Starliner would be pretty damn good on fuel too. :) For my money neither will sound as good as a V-6 two stroke with a relieved exhaust.
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... Let's compare and contrast speeds as well. And sound. And fuel consumption...

No way that Convicor does 70. 55-60 and the 60 is me being generous.

350 with MPI will likely be better on fuel than a carb'd 454. The BB may work a little less to improve gas mileage, but the technology with MPI will more than make up for it.

My 6.2MPI (350 base) is always cracked open and it gets great fuel economy. Is it my 300XS Optimax...NO! But for a car motor it does very well.

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Toilet and a place to cook (ie: stove or grill).

The Convincor is a much more substantial vessel than the Enforcer. Stand up bolsters make a huge differnence in the rough and are just a different feel even in the calm water. My ZT amazes me with the water it can handle. It has almost made me over confident and I feel the need to back it down a notch this summer.

There is no comparison between the ride of the Starliner and a 24' stand up I/O.

I have ridden in an Enforcer 21'6 and it is a nice fast boat and will likely run better in the rough than the Liner due to the added weight of a car motor, but IMO it is a lake boat none the less.

Yeah, but isn't the 24 really a 22, a little shorter than the 23 enforcer? Also with no kitchen. Maybe even better in the chop than an abbreviated 24?
Should I really be looking at a 25 Convincor but can my 8cyl. jeep handle it?
I don't think the Con 24 has stand up bolsters. I stand up all the time anyway for visibility.
Thinkin' out loud.
Yeah, but isn't the 24 really a 22, a little shorter than the 23 enforcer? Also with no kitchen. Maybe even better in the chop than an abbreviated 24?
Should I really be looking at a 25 Convincor but can my 8cyl. jeep handle it?
I don't think the Con 24 has stand up bolsters. I stand up all the time anyway for visibility.
Thinkin' out loud.

Stand up in a sit down boat at any real speed in LI Sound/Off Shore and eventually you are going to end up in one place. The water! Just thinking out loud. lol

The Convincor you are looking at has stand up bolsters. You have to take into consideration the overall "size" of the boat. I just verified that I was not in an Enforcer I was in the 21-9 Persuader. Sorry for the confusion, but either way it is smaller than the Convincor.

A 251 will likely push your Jeep. You are jumping to a much bigger "size" boat at that point. Am I making any sense?

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Your jeep is rated for 3500lbs. I think my boat is weighing in around 3600lbs.
It would be less then ideal to use you jeep.

I dont know about either as far as ride, but if you were standing in that convincor you wouldn't had to turn back that day I was up there.
Not that it matters but that convincor sold for 18k or less from a private party to the dealer it sits with. I thought about buying it but didn't pull the trigger at 18k.
Your jeep is rated for 3500lbs. I think my boat is weighing in around 3600lbs.
It would be less then ideal to use you jeep.

I dont know about either as far as ride, but if you were standing in that convincor you wouldn't had to turn back that day I was up there.
The jeep is rated at either 6500 or 7500, can't get a clear answer. But I still don't think the 24 Con is a stand up. Gotta check. I'm more curious how the 23 enforcer hull would ride compared to the con and the comparative HP of the engines.
Also, why do you say I would have been good on that day? You were getting pounded up pretty good, no?
The 24 is a drop down seat boat. You can see in the pics the seat is down. I must have looked at wrong info for your tow capacity. I saw 3500 but will relook. I didnt have my boat up there and yes got pounded in an 18ft jet. If I had mine I would have run that all day with little discomfort. Youd be surprised how your legs work like shocks when standing up in bolesters and haveing alot more boat under you.

Yep you can pull more. I looked at wrong info.
The 24 is a drop down seat boat. You can see in the pics the seat is down. I must have looked at wrong info for your tow capacity. I saw 3500 but will relook. I didnt have my boat up there and yes got pounded in an 18ft jet. If I had mine I would have run that all day with little discomfort. Youd be surprised how your legs work like shocks when standing up in bolesters and haveing alot more boat under you.

Yep you can pull more. I looked at wrong info.
Yes, of course. For some reason I was thinking of Demag. Had I remembered Jetmate I woulda' been rememberin' different. Flatboat 18 jet way different than mid 20's deep v.
My bad.
I'm so frickin' old. Or, as my dear friend atc is so fond of reminding me, too much time touring with The Dateful Gread.