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2001 Convincor 24 with 350 mag mpi

It can be done reasonably.....find a junkyard 6.0L truck engine. The stock cathedral port heads really wake up with a bit of porting. Add a new cam, PCM, larger injectors and go. Can be 450 hp easy. Exhaust would be most expensive part probably. Not many companies have jumped into the platform. I think there are some cast manifolds now available though.
I get at least 20 spams a day addressing just that issue. What are they trying to tell me?
And why do they keep picking on me?:(:rof:

Is EASY a good word?

Go for it. If the price is right, why not. It is time for you to step up a notch. Just make sure the floor and stringers are in decent shape.

You deserve it, why not go for it?
Right now I'm comparing and contrasting a 1992 enforcer 230 with a 454 mag to a 2001 convincor 24 with the small block.
I wonder how they ride compared to each other and compared to my Liner (which I think I'll keep-especially if I get the enforcer which is pink-so I'll have to name it "Hers"- which means I need a "His").
Might as well step up to my 259 Convincor it rides great!;)
Just looked thru the pics Sim. The boat appears very clean and low hours.
Seller claiming close to 70, I'd ride over and take her for a spin but she looks winterized. I give it:bigthumb::bigthumb:
So what rides bigger, the Enforcer or the Convincor? How much more so than the Liner? I know the Liner tows much easier.
Sounds like he wants to know which does better in bigger water. I can't see the Enforcer being better in it than the bigger 259. I think the Cherokee will be Ok towing either as long as the trailer has properly functioning brakes and you're not planning on major road trips.
What year, how many miles, and what motor do you have in your Grand Cherokee? I certainly would not make any long trips if you where pulling the convincor with the Cherokee. I mean its not a heavy heavy boat but its up there and you would probably have your foot to the floor alot with the Cherokee pulling something heavy like that. But yeah it would probably do it but I wouldnt go to far.
Seen Sim's GC a few times, pretty sure its a V-8.
v8. It's a Limited with the tow package. As for selling the Liner; pain in the rear end to sell a boat and what about the days you wanna take out 6-7 people? Not often but it happens.
v8. It's a Limited with the tow package. As for selling the Liner; pain in the rear end to sell a boat and what about the days you wanna take out 6-7 people? Not often but it happens.

Stick with the Liner for the short term, don't buy something now that will make you need to replace the towcar now also. But buy something for Laura - she deserves it, and deserves a man of your considerable abilities to handle it for her... :thumb:

Then when you get a season under your belt with the new boat, you can decide if you were right and either look at selling the Liner, or trade up with both for something bigger and a bigger truck. Or of course stick with the Liner alone, although you have a son coming of age who likes the boating life....

...I doubt this could be your last boat purchase. :poke:

I'm interested in seeing the 2 boats you have in mind.
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Life will always try to throw you a curve ball. Think hard about the life style that makes you the happiest. I can bust you all day long but, what the hell, what else are friends for.

Do you really plan on spending that much time on water that would require the bigger hull? What is your normal routine, 4, 6 or 8 people with you on any given run? How fast do you want to go? How much fuel can you afford or want to spend on each of your outings? Sure it is nice to buy yourself a new toy every couple of years, BUT. Just think of why you trade up to the Liner. You probably already have the answers to all the questions.
And I'm not talking about your G.C., Liner or mankini.
:poke:We want to see the boat that started this thread.
Can't do it, someone might steal em. Well, really, kinda lazy and the pictures won't transfer from yahoo.
One of them is Boatman's enforcer. The other is a 24 Convincer in Md. on popyacht.
In both cases it would be for handling bigger wake on the Delaware going to Philly and New York Harbor. Might even sleep out once every 2 yrs.
What JT says makes a lot of sense. 90% of the time the Liner is enough. Usually 2-5 people and I don't want a new toy/hassle. I've got this baby dialed in and am more or less able to handle it's maintenance and upkeep.
Gas isn't a huge concern- an extra 50 or 100 bucks a day is the cheap part of the upgrade.
By the way Drop, you really know how to sting a guy.
And... ENOUGH about the mankini! Or I'll really bring one.