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2001 Convincor 24 with 350 mag mpi

That Enforcer is with a stock 7.4, mine is the 454mag at either 350 or 365hp. Can't remember which? Heck, I can't remember what I had for lunch today!:lol:
And they both have a 24deg dead rise, or at least I know mine does. I have never seen the 22 Convincor hull up close.
I think your hull is actually a foot longer at the waterline. Some of that length is a molded in swimstep but the Convincor is really a 22 with 1.5 -2 feet of swim platform above the waterline. Both are 24 degrees and roughly 3300 pounds.

You had better buy something after all this!

If not, this has got to be the ultimate tire kicking thread!:sssh:

Yeah, I was thinking exactly the same thing!:rof:
Gary, why do you have to be 8 hours away?!!!
I think your hull is actually a foot longer at the waterline. Some of that length is a molded in swimstep but the Convincor is really a 22 with 1.5 -2 feet of swim platform above the waterline. Both are 24 degrees and roughly 3300 pounds.

Yeah, I was thinking exactly the same thing!:rof:
Gary, why do you have to be 8 hours away?!!!

For the right $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, I can be 4 hours away!:banana: