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2800SX Outboard Restoration Begins!!!

Still waiting on the new props, they didn't get shipped until this morning!!....:irked:

Props arrived yesterday. They are Merc choppers that have been worked by DAH. I may run them this sunday if I get my port solid motor mounts installed. It was so rough on last sundays run in the ocean that I cracked both cradles that hold the motor mounts!!:irked: Glad I have spare parts!:D After I run the props I'm going to send them out to get cleaned up and remove a few blemishes. Meanwhile, here's the first running shot sent to me from a friend running alonside me last sunday:

Took two hours last night to install the solid lower motor mounts on the port motor. As usual the bolts holding the old cradles snapped when removing the old cracked cradles:pissed:. Out came the torches and vice grips!! With the new cradles and solid mounts installed I'm ready to run my DAH Chopper 26's to see how they perform!!!:banana:
Ran the DAH choppers yesterday. Full tank of gas (96 gallons), 2 adults, 75 degree weather...........71.11 GPS turning 26 pitch choppers @ 6000 rpm on the right hand motor and 5800 rpm on the counter rotator!!:banana: ....and I'm still in a learning curve searching for the sweet spot. I think with some reeds, more seat time, and light on gas I could get to 75 mph!! :D Not to shabby for a couple old fishing motors!!:bigthumb:
Ran the DAH choppers yesterday. Full tank of gas (96 gallons), 2 adults, 75 degree weather...........71.11 GPS turning 26 pitch choppers @ 6000 rpm on the right hand motor and 5800 rpm on the counter rotator!!:banana: ....and I'm still in a learning curve searching for the sweet spot. I think with some reeds, more seat time, and light on gas I could get to 75 mph!! :D Not to shabby for a couple old fishing motors!!:bigthumb:

hey man!!

any updates??? hows the test and tune goin???? waitin on my powerhead studs and gaskets to get here so i can mount em.

got the transom re rigged on 18 inch centers and ready to throw em on....
Ran the DAH choppers yesterday. Full tank of gas (96 gallons), 2 adults, 75 degree weather...........71.11 GPS turning 26 pitch choppers @ 6000 rpm on the right hand motor and 5800 rpm on the counter rotator!!:banana: ....and I'm still in a learning curve searching for the sweet spot. I think with some reeds, more seat time, and light on gas I could get to 75 mph!! :D Not to shabby for a couple old fishing motors!!:bigthumb:

and by the way!

thats some great numbers! especially being full on fuel!!

prop slip comes out to 10% !!!!!!!!

thats amazing!

you should be mid 70s when light and trimmed out! i cant believe you got it to run that good with your props as deep as you have em and 95 gal of fuel!

i hope mine runs as good as yours does!

Question: what ratio are your lowers?????

and by the way!

thats some great numbers! especially being full on fuel!!

prop slip comes out to 10% !!!!!!!!

thats amazing!

you should be mid 70s when light and trimmed out! i cant believe you got it to run that good with your props as deep as you have em and 95 gal of fuel!

i hope mine runs as good as yours does!

Question: what ratio are your lowers?????

My ratios should be 1.87s..I'm going to try turning my props in the next time I go out...
Stupid question but won't forward be reverse then or are you gonna do more than just swap the props?

Not a stupid question at all, you have to swap gear cases and reverse the cables to change from turning out to turning in. It's a bit time consuming process and may not be worth the effort..generally speaking, on a true V bottom you want to turn the props outward (outward gives you bow lift). On some step bottoms and most cats you want to turn the props in (in gives you stern lift) because cats & steps have natural bow lift by design. The only reason I'm thinking about turning in is because my bow is so light already..the boat is very easy to trim up...by turning in I may gain some top end speed buy I'm sure I'll pick up some ill handling temperment (squirrely handling/chine walk/idle speed maneuverability)..The more I think about it, I'll probably just keep them turning out..
props turning in is bow lift, turning out is stern lift, turning in was 2 mph faster on my boat. a lot of faster boats end up turning the props in because the back end becomes loose at high speed.
props turning in is bow lift, turning out is stern lift, turning in was 2 mph faster on my boat. a lot of faster boats end up turning the props in because the back end becomes loose at high speed.

Demag, I believe you have it backwards..turning in creates stern lift because the thrust in center focused and straight down..it is also usually faster turning the props in but it does make a v bottom harder to handle. Turning the props outward creates bow lift and separates the water force towards both port and starboard creating stability....but shaves off some top end speed....
I know when I turn in my bow rides high and when I turn out boat rides kind of level. Although some one told me that the characteristics change if the props are deep in the water. Would really like to know the theory behind it.
There is a write up on powerboat magazine about it. Will have to find that. Always thought when the props are surfacing and turning out when the blade comes down on the outside it goes through the water giving it upward thrust. When turning in the blade contacts clean water on the outside when the blade is coming up then giving it bow lift.
I'm no expert (I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one time...) but my boat ran very loose at WOT when the props were turned out. Felt like the stern was jumping around at speed. I didn't like it. Also, handling around the dock was worse.

2ton, it will be interesting to see what you find.