Well-known member
Great second time out!! Installed the passenger side bolster for my wife (still waiting on my vinyl work to finish the backrest, but at least she had something to sit on!) Spent 5 hours on the water getting to know the boat. Spinning BIG Suzuki 4blades (15" X 24pitch) we saw 67mph GPS at 5700 rpm with still more in it. The boat gobbled up boat wakes without batting an eye. The only mishap was my tie bar unscrewing itself after the first run..some stupid mechanic (me) forgot to tighten the jam nut. I had to beach the boat, strip down to my boxers (my wife loved it) and do a quick repair. We wound up having dinner on the water at GuanaBanas. All in all a sucessful 2nd voyage. Here's some pics and a quick video shot by my wife.