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Even More CL Finds!

Hey Hack, there's a jet boat in Cincy, no motor, you can put a Ford in it, don't know why, but if you come to get it, I'll buy dinner, maybe even put you up for the night???
Hey Hack, there's a jet boat in Cincy, no motor, you can put a Ford in it, don't know why, but if you come to get it, I'll buy dinner, maybe even put you up for the night???
I've run into a small financial crisis. Along with problems with getting my boat lifts/docks installed. I've got to buy a trailer for my pontoon to get it out of the water at the marina and store it until I can get some guys over to move the docks/lifts. I don't think another boat is in my checkbook right now. And that one looks like a real project....

Appreciate the offer of dinner!
Hello all. Looking for a Convincor 251 or larger, within couple hundred miles of mid TN area. Sound and under 18k. Keep an eye out, and thanks for your help.
Steering wheel wont be necessary when using paddles that must be just inside hull along with bilge plug. Maybe trade a weedbeater, since it looks like a lawnmower has been in use or some duct tape for the fence repair. PO must not realize wort of vessel, any of us would have thrown down some carpet on those stands from the remodel next door and there would be at least remnants of a blue tarp...
97 303 Convincor w- 454s reduced to 22.5k.

03 270 Convincor w- 496HO for 28.5k.

01 270 BR Convincor w- 6.2L for 26.9k.

98 253 Convincor w- 502 for 18k.

86 Enforcer w- 454 for 8k.

01 185 Pulse w- 175 Merc for 10k.

89 Diplomat w- 90 Evinrude for $2800.

89 17' Spectra w- 200 Yamaha for $5800.

78 Predictor w- 1150 Merc for $1200.

79 TriMate IV w- 470 for $1300.