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Even More CL Finds!

97 303 Convincor w- dual 454s for 24K.

90 Starflite w- 200 Merc for 8k.

05 1850 Pulse w- 150 Merc for 10.5k.

85 Sportfire IO w- 3.0L for $3200.

09 1600BR Pulsare w- 115 Merc for 15.5k.

07 1600BR Pulsare w- 115 Evinrude for 12.5k.

07 1600BR Pulsare for $8999.

80 Predictor w- 115 Evinrude for $3750.

Enticer project for $800.

73 MX16 w- 1500 Merc for $900.

68 V161 w- 1250 Merc for 1K.
02 270 Convincor w- 454 Mag for 27.5k.

251 Convincor OB w- 200 Evinrudes reduced to 11K.

99 234 BR Persuader w- 502 for 15.2k. Very sharp.

89 Senator w- 350 for 10k.

84 Skimate w- 200 Johnson for $8500.

85 Exciter w- 350 for 14k. Classic CM!

88 Spectra w- 150 Merc for 6k.

79 TriMate w- 150 Merc for $1700. Classic CM!
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85 251 Convincor w- 540' for 16.9k. Sharp boat!

88 Starflite w- 225 Johnson for $800.

87 Enchanter w- 350 for $3250.

88 171 Spectra w- 150 Merc for $5500.

91 19' CM project for $200.

88 Predictor w- 90 Honda for $4500.
85 251 Convincor w- 540' for 16.9k. Sharp boat!

88 Starflite w- 225 Johnson for $800.

87 Enchanter w- 350 for $3250.

88 171 Spectra w- 150 Merc for $5500.

91 19' CM project for $200.

88 Predictor w- 90 Honda for $4500.
Shame that starflight is so far.
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01 280 ZT w- 500EFI for 36K. Sharp-

90 251 GTX Convincor w- 502 for 13.5k. Clean-

89 251 GTX Convincor w- 454 for $9900.

98 236 Persuader w- 454 for $9500.

89 Vision w- 350 for $6800.

05 218 BR Persuader w- 350 for 22.5k.

95 219 Persuader w- 454 for 13.5k.

89 Sportfire w- 135 Merc for $8995.

88 Predictor w- 115 Mercury for $1700.
This one gave me a big smile. Give em a cookie for the proper transom tie downs. That just might be a 4x4 bunk? I'm not sure I detect carpet on there. Not sure about all of the yellow at the bow area, perhaps a safety lanyard or retrieval system. I could easily envision an easy chair, fastened in place of the picnic table, Thumb throttle mounted on the end of the recline lever. The recline lever would be used for steering the craft, down for left, up for right. The chair would be hooked up so that you recline it to engage forward. Could a wake tower be far off...
That enchanter jet looks like a beauty. It would make a brown boat owner out of me in a heartbeat. Interesting looking mota in there too. Why would it have to be Florida? That yellow strap in the back would be gone in a heartbeat also. I'm sure we could put some pink in there somewhere...
Damn! See Below.... (Listing price is $2250, but I think it could be bought for under $2k)

Why would it have to be Florida?
4 days round trip in the truck for this old man. I think it would fit on the trailer my 219 persuader sits on....

" Interesting looking mota " Looks like a 460 Olds.
Looks like a 460 Ford (distributor in the front). But he's braggin' 8.1L on the hull. Which is 496 cu in. Could be a stroker? Most 'mild' stroked 460's are 502 cu in. Which is 8.2L.

If that was closer, it'd be in my driveway....
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I noticed the 8.1 also. That is possibly a 385 series engine.
Yep. The 385 series replaced the FE series engines. According to Wikipedia:

"It was available in three sizes in production vehicles; 370 cu in (6.1 L) in medium-duty trucks only, 429 cu in (7.0 L) and 460 cu in (7.5 L). A 514 cu in (8.4 L) crate engine was also available from Ford SVO."

The 370 had a smaller bore (4.050"), but the same stroke (3.59") as the 429. The 429 had the same bore as the 460 (4.360"), but due to the shorter stroke, had less cu in displacement. The 460 had more 'stroke' (3.85" hence why the engine family was referred to as 385 series), but the same bore as the 429.

From what a quick internet search yields on a 460 engine: 'To get 496 you would have to stroke your crank to 4.1 with a .030 overbore.' That get you 496.47 cu in displacement. Or the 8.1L

If that's what was done, depending on cam, etc. it's probably putting out in the 550 hp / 660 tq range at 5500-5800 rpm. Good jet boat engine. If it runs...

I'm really tempted, even though it's a good 18 hour drive. I may contact the seller Thursday or Friday.
See, this is where it could get interesting. Could be a 494. Offset grind a standard 460 crank, use some Olds pistons, Pontiac rods, and viola. Or, could that be a FE engine? I'm looking at the slant on the front mount distributor. What about the front mount dipstick and let's not forget the make of alternator. Seems to me ,I remember some Holman and Moody 427's that would spank the water as well as the asphalt...