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Even More CL Finds!

Did you notice the woodcraft fenders. Varnish em maybe? PO gets a demerit for no TTD's. The significance of the rope in between the uprights has me going too.
Did you notice the woodcraft fenders. Varnish em maybe? PO gets a demerit for no TTD's. The significance of the rope in between the uprights has me going too.
Yeah. Don't know if the trailer is salvageable or not. Guess when you need fenders and you've got a couple 2x12's and deck screws lying around....
Corey and I have been mulling this one over for a few days. Only about 40mins away from me. Im basically anti Ford guy and appears to possibly be a rattlecan special edition paintjob. :eyecrazy:
98 253 Convincor w- 454 for 19.9k.

01 242 Convincor w-.454 for 19.9k.

012 2400 BRX Pulsare w- 300XS for 40k. Sharp!

90 Vision w- 454 for 11k.

87 Enchanter w-200 Merc for 4k.

90 201 Spectra w- 150 Merc for $7500.

90 Eluder w- 150 Merc for $4200.

91 Starfire w- 350 for $4500.

90 Enticer w- 115 Merc for $3500. Love the flake!

76 V-Mate project for free.

13' Playmate w- 70 Johnson for 1k.
Sam, I was eyeing that 2400, too! The BRX model has really grown on me. Good combination of old school CM looks, plenty of space, inner liner and comfort features the wife will like. If we didn't have one in college and house projects going on.....that boat would be in my drive way!:thumb:
89 301 Maxxum w- 502s for 23.5k.

00 270 Convincor w- 454.

85 Enfocer w- 350 for $4,250.

91 23' GTX Persuader w- 502 for 13k.

95 218 Persuader w- 350 for $8,700.

90 Starflite w- 200 Merc for $7,800.

83 Enchanter w- 200 Merc for $6,500. Clean/original CM!

Steel trailer for 23-26' CM for $1,400.

This is a boat I looked at last summer where the owner flat out lied to me. There is no floor in this thing, it has rotted away. He didn't even have the decency to meet me, he sent his wife instead. Total waste of time. If you can get this for under $5,000 it might be worth it, but then again I didn't even get to hear it run.
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91 281 Convincor w- dual 454s for 18.5k.

85 251 Convincor w- 502.

013 2000 BRX w- 150 Evinrude reduced to 24k.

89 Starflite w- 250 Yamaha for $8995.

84 Entertainer w- 350 for 6k. Hot boat!

78 ConvincEr w- 350 for 6k.

75 V-Mate w- 85 Evinrude for $5500.