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Even More CL Finds!

Look at that one in person. low price, lot's of misspelling and must get a quick sale. There's a reason for white steering wheels. Nice boat though and budget left over for supercharger. Proper transom tie downs too.
Here's another CL SCAM :rof:

96 2100 BR Pulsare w- 300XS for 6k.

Obviously, these scammers must snag a naive buyer for some deposit $$$ once in awhile, but it's hard to believe any halfway knowledge buyer would fall for it...... I wonder if the scammers are offshore and what CL does to combat these adds?

I've noticed scammers usually white out the boat registration numbers in the pictures.
Is that a crack on that 85's portside? Might consider a bow roller also. They are done with lake, hull may be too. They're absolutely positively giving the other one away, "It's a no brainer" (chuckle).

The first is a bored 460 Ford. It's been listed for the past couple of years on/off. He's come down in price $500, but it still seems a bit much, all things considered. It does look to be in very good shape for a 41 year old boat. And I really like the color. I'd like to take a look at it, if I can manage some time for a road trip.

The second is also a 460 Ford, price is still a bit high for what potential work might be hidden on those make-shift seat covers. Not diggin' the exposed front part of the engine either...
True but you can also get 468 out of a 427 too which caught my attention. Be cool to find a side oiler in there. It's most likely a .040 over 460 but I thought I might brew a little conspiracy on Friday.
:surf:Sure wish that playmate was closer.

If you have money to buy a boat Jeffrey Todd Fletcher Sr. You should send me the $1100 refund check for those pitted hydraulic steering cylinders you sold me. Total amount due is $1100+court costs+filing fees+ process server fees+ allowed expenses = $1370.70