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Even More CL Finds!

Guy with the Checkmate 'Climax' needs to sniff around history of the 1/2 mile clay oval at Windsor. I think they closed it in early 2000. Back in the day it was the place to be on Friday night. A few famous names around that place. Nazareth, Grandview, and Reading come to mind too. Falcone ran a Sportsman Coupe and maybe a Modified if memory serves.
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OK don’t like the funny air cleaner or the hole he cut in the hatch, but that interior is nice. And the gelcoat looks like it’s in your color range Jim.
Freeboard... freeboard is overrated, you boat on top of the water not in it.

Just think how far you could throw a roostertail with that. Offering a refreshing drink to individuals on the dock who disparage the cup holder on top of the motor would take on a special meaning when you let loose with the business end of that drive.
Au contraire mon ami. Free board is to be cherished, sought after, nourished, and checked often. Remember who David Jones's accomplice is. One must always be concerned with the concentration of free board. Let that concentration become even the least bit diluted, even more so in salt water, combine that with an inverse co relation of the relative depth of water under the vessel divided by the cost of furnishings aft of the drivers seat and you have the probable makings of unexpected and possibly unwanted strenuous exercise. Alcohol will speed up the reaction by a factor of two.
What's everybody think of the 98 2100 BR? Colors are very 90s-ish but the boat looks clean and well priced....plus a BR!
Perfect place to start out the day. Thanks SCT. I'm with you, boat looks nice, especially the accentuating stripe and such. Bet it comes with all covers, a new battery, new trailer tires, and TTD's. It just has that look.
If I bought that boat, I could break out my Miami Vice wardrobe collection from storage!:bigthumb:


  • Miami-VIce-Season-2-opener-miami-vice-9384840-765-580.jpg
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Freeboard... freeboard is overrated, you boat on top of the water not in it.

Just think how far you could throw a roostertail with that. Offering a refreshing drink to individuals on the dock who disparage the cup holder on top of the motor would take on a special meaning when you let loose with the business end of that drive.

Freeboard... isn't that a lynyrd skynyrd song? :banana:
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