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Even More CL Finds!

Kinda wish that boat was closer to upstate NY, i'm looking around and getting ideas to upgrade from my Enchanter (even tho i love my boat), ultimately the 242 Sport is my first choice, especially one with decent power to begin with and the fiberglass windscreen!!

Sell your Enchanter and move on up!
Do think it was ever that dude from West Virginia boat? Ain’t that the style and colors and about the yr of his. I remember he bought a challenger put questionable stickers on it, then a small block rail job and left boating for the 1/8th mile drag strip, or I can be mistaken 🤪
Sell your Enchanter and move on up!

I'm paying close attention, when the right deal comes along it just might be time to move up. The Enchanter has been great, and it's not going anywhere till i find exactly what i want, but i'm getting tired of being sidelined when it's ridiculously roughed up on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Like a said, mid-late 90's 242 Sport with a decent engine to start (not the 310hp 7.4 MPI) and the fiberglass sport windscreen!!
82 Diplomat IO for 3k.

If anyone is interested in this Diplomat shoot me a pm before looking at it. I had this exact model right down to the color and engine. I can give you some advice on what to look for...especially in regards to the Mercruiser 470. I don't care what people say about this engine, if you complete the necessary upgrades and keep up with the maintenance this engine will serve you well. It has a ton of torque and "sips" the fuel.
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242 sport , 251 or a 253? Can't decide on which to pursue.....
Also did any of them come in Black gelcoat with pink interior? Saw a sexy starflite in that scheme...