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Even More CL Finds!

The 250 SFX model has really grown on me. The 012 in Grand Rapids is sharp!!
Not really into fishing but it would be a fun party CC.
Wonder if it would run 65 w- the 300 Verado?
The 250 SFX model has really grown on me. The 012 in Grand Rapids is sharp!!
Not really into fishing but it would be a fun party CC.
Wonder if it would run 65 w- the 300 Verado?

What is the arch on it good for? On some brands they have a hard top that would provide shade and also has speakers and rod holders. But the arch on this one looks rather pointless.
Umm.. that would be me, sort of.

I can't remember for sure, but isn't one of our regulars looking for one of these?


That boat is an 18.5’ Eluder I/O and even though most of the supplied pictures are poor. It looks like it’s full metalflake too.

What really I want is a 21 ft Entertainer I/O Merc. full metalflake boat, my color preference in order is Blue, Orange, Red but I would be very happy with any of the three colors, Brown is a step down from those.

As what I want is crazy rare, the smart compromise is to go to the Outboard version of the same boat. You likely remember SCT found me one of those two months ago, and I “Chickened Out”.
On a side note, Checkmate really confused everyone with the names back then and it is still happening today.

The Entertainer owner of the orange boat thought he had an Exciter. This guy thinks his Eluder is an Enchanter.

The funny thing is all you have to do is look at the C.G. Capacity plate. The model name is on there with the other info.
The arch has a tow hook on top so you can tow in all of those other brands?

I'd LOVE to make a rude comment on those other brands right here. But I've already shared with you all that I once ran out of fuel in my last Checkmate and got towed in by a Blowboat.

It does not get much more humiliating than that.

Oh and to top it off, my MIL was onboard that time. Kind of makes my Avatar even more special.
How much difference is the 2008 Pulsare 2000 compared to the Pulsare 2100? That looks like a nice boat for the money!

In my opinion none. If you need to get technical, the hull is one foot shorter at 20 ft and rated for only 250hp, where as the 2100 is 21 feet and rated for 300 hp. I believe the difference in length came from shortening up the cockpit behind the driver (guessing...I don't know for sure). The 2000 hull with 250 on it is an 80 mph boat all day. The 2100 with 300 hp can hit 90+. And now we get to the real reason why, for all practical purposes, there's no difference between a 2000 and a 2100: most people can't drive the boat to the edge of it's performance anyway and will back out of the throttle before they ever top out on speed. So whether your in a 2000 or 2100 is irrelevant. 2100's are a bit more desirable though.

It's nice boat for the money. The same exact boat and motor combo was just for sale (actually my old boat that I sold prior to owning my Starliner) for $20k. The add came down fast...not sure whether or not it sold or the owner decided to keep it.
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