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Even More CL Finds!

In my opinion none. If you need to get technical, the hull is one foot shorter at 20 ft and rated for only 250hp, where as the 2100 is 21 feet and rated for 300 hp. I believe the difference in length came from shortening up the cockpit behind the driver (guessing...I don't know for sure). The 2000 hull with 250 on it is an 80 mph boat all day. The 2100 with 300 hp can hit 90+. And now we get to the real reason why, for all practical purposes, there's no difference between a 2000 and a 2100: most people can't drive the boat to the edge of it's performance anyway and will back out of the throttle before they ever top out on speed. So whether your in a 2000 or 2100 is irrelevant. 2100's are a bit more desirable though.

It's nice boat for the money. The same exact boat and motor combo was just for sale (actually my old boat that I sold prior to owning my Starliner) for $20k. The add came down fast...not sure whether or not it sold or the owner decided to keep it.

Measuring the molds. Nose to transom the 2100 is only about 6 inches longer than the 2000. I forget the measurments side to side, and don't count the transom "extensions" on either sides of the motors. Just nose to transom.

I am pretty sure I went to look at this in Freeport, Long Island, 3 years ago when I was on the hunt for the replacement to the Starliner.
Back then it was sitting at a mooring, with water inside sitting above the carpet, and in cabin, deck was severely faded and clear coat peeling, and had a 225 Mariner.
Looks like they have replaced the floor, and changed the engine for the Merc of same size.

My concern (assuming it the same boat) is that the transom needs replacing (look how low it sits at the back - the transom lip is the water line!) and stringers.

I won't be going back for a second look!
Be careful with this one. I had a PayPal deposit on it back a couple of years ago and was all set to pick it up (4 hour drive). Owner was happy until I said I wanted to take it for a test run and check things out. He wanted me to just come to his place of business (car wash) and pick it up, even though the boat was stored at his lake cottage. He did give me back my deposit though without any issues. He wanted $12,000 Firm in 2016.

I still have the photos on my phone for it. It did seem really clean but it had no trim tabs, 324 hours, was an alpha drive, 5.7 litre (250hp) and open exhaust.

98 218 Persuader w- 350 for 11k.

So I had to call on this one, the current owner bought it in 2008. It had a soft spot in the floor he paid to have fixed. Said it was the only issue with the hull they found at the time and was due to the installation in the floor of a bracket for the ski pole.

It's hard to see in the pictures but this one is Orange with a Rootbeer brown stripe all metal flake. He said it's pretty shiny still, but that there is two small spots on the side of the hull where the clear is peeling. So I'm guessing the boat may have been clear coated at one time.

He had the motor replaced, the shop used a 1996 200 Merc., running carbs from a 150. They put it on a dyno and made 170HP

The carpet, the seats, the gauges and the stereo are recently replaced along with the wiring.
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Looking for Exciter or Predictor

Anyone know of a Predictor or Exciter, must have decent interior, with or without motor.