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Even More CL Finds!

Yup. The cooler lids were glassed in and the step added to the splash well are all alterations...would be interesting to know what that was done.
The splash well is stock for the model of Starflite that it is. The two rear coolers have been removed and glassed over, and the the dash has been changed.
The splash well is stock for the model of Starflite that it is. The two rear coolers have been removed and glassed over, and the the dash has been changed.

No kidding? That's interesting...do you know why they did it that way...special reason?
Sam, I believe there were the standard 20" transom molds and then one set of 25" transom Starflite molds for the OMC V8s. I'm guessing the cut out behind the back seat is so you can trim the V8s forward.
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Sam, I believe there were the standard 20" transom molds and then one set of 25" transom Starflite molds for the OMC V8s. I'm guessing the cut out behind the back seat is so you can trim the V8s forward.

Yep. That's the next Starflite I'm after too.
The Persuader Cat is BACK!!!

But hold up a second! I was all over that mold taking measurments and even have a picture of it somewhere.

So WHEN, did it get a center pod?



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