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Even More CL Finds!

Man I love those ZT33's.

I wish it wasn't purple.

Anyone know how many were built?

I think the purple looks much better than if it was teal or yellow. Teall boats always seam to look very old or dated. Teal seems to make a boat built in the nineties look like it came from the seventies.

Don’t know how many have been built, but if your fussy about colour you’re in trouble, because it can’t be more than a dozen or so based on how rarely they show up for sale.
I think the purple looks much better than if it was teal or yellow. Teall boats always seam to look very old or dated. Teal seems to make a boat built in the nineties look like it came from the seventies.

Don’t know how many have been built, but if your fussy about colour you’re in trouble, because it can’t be more than a dozen or so based on how rarely they show up for sale.

Well I'm not in the market I just think they have a nice look to them.

Good thing my boat is dark green instead of teal...
Except its starting to fade a bit...
DA#$%T it might be teal.
Are you saying my boat is outdated? LOL
Man I better do something about that. LMAO
All Checkmates are out dated. That's part of what we like about them.

But there are colors and graphic styles that can still look newish and others that look old, especially if they fade, I think teal is one of those colors that is hard to keep fresh looking.
Love that 91 21’ BR Pulse in red...wow, oh and that 300. The trailer looks like quite a heap though...

Curious what you use to search across CL's? Tried a Google hack with little success.