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Even More CL Finds!

242 sport , 251 or a 253? Can't decide on which to pursue.....
Also did any of them come in Black gelcoat with pink interior? Saw a sexy starflite in that scheme...

On my 2nd 251, I like the classic old school, but the later 253 I'm really starting to like the more modern look..
81 Entertainer w- 235 Johnson for $9800. Still for sale......

Yes it is and while I would be happy to own it, I’m likely not going to. I’ve let the owner know a couple days ago I’m not a buyer anymore.

First I need to thank both SCT for finding it and Mike”jmshipp” for kindly offering to have a look at it. He said he lives 20 mins away, so he set up a visit and went all through the boat taking pictures as he did. He talked to the owner for quite a while and got all kinds of details for me. Then sent me the pictures and spent a bunch of time on the phone with me.
This is an incredibly kind gesture and I wish it had resulted in me buying the boat so he won’t feel it is wasted in anyway.

Now onto the boat in case someone else is interested in it.
The origional owner who sold the boat a few years ago bought it unrigged from the dealer. He is a airplane mechanic(retired) so he rigged it for himself and babied it the whole time. The second owner is a neighbor and friend of the son of the first owner.

The only issues with the boat are the darker color of the seat vinyl is fading, there a 3 mild scratches in the hull, two small cracks around the splash well that have been sealed up and one small spider crack area likely from a bump against the dock. The boat was hand pinstriped in paint by a pro, The work looks good but dated and the second owner started buffing it out. Otherwise the boat is spotless and original everywhere.

He has a second complete fully built and dressed powerhead that could be sold with the boat too as the mechanic owner felt he needed to be ready if the first motor ever went. Both powerheads have typical upgrades like boysen reeds plus other stuff I didn’t get into.

He will bend on the price a little and I wanted to buy it but I would replace the vinyl, So in Canadian dollars and with the distance involved I would be well past $15,000. I’m still tempted, but I’m moving on.

I think the boat could be used as is quite well, but really think it’s a cool candidate for a new 250r. Since it’s pre oil injection there is no oil filler hole in the hull to cover or fix. But it would be a lot of money and really pricey to do in Canada right now.

I hope this helps someone, if you live close you can likely get it for $8500 maybe a touch less, He wants 1500 for the second powerhead as an and on.
First I need to thank both SCT for finding it and Mike”jmshipp” for kindly offering to have a look at it. He said he lives 20 mins away, so he set up a visit and went all through the boat taking pictures as he did. He talked to the owner for quite a while and got all kinds of details for me. Then sent me the pictures and spent a bunch of time on the phone with me.
This is an incredibly kind gesture and I wish it had resulted in me buying the boat so he won’t feel it is wasted in anyway.

Hey Rob... no time wasted on my part! Glad I could help! My only regret would have been if you had bought the boat, it not been what the seller said it was, and I did not offer to help up front. So we are good Sir! I wish you all of the luck in the world in finding the "next one"! :surf: