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Even More CL Finds!

Not sure I'd go that high Rob. It really was a wreck and the paint and gel are no where near as nice as the pictures make it out to be. Trailer is sinking in the mud and the hull us covered in barnacles and stuff. Oh, and on the port side the hull is part from the cap. You can literally push the side in below the rub rail.
There are a number of old boats that are just not worth the effort to restore. the Entertainer for 1000 is likely one of those too.

I agree!! Those I'd just remove all the SS hardware and whatever else is worth keeping. Then junk the hull.:D
96 242 Convincor w- 502 for 14.9K.

2100 Pulsare w- 175 Evinrude for 12.5K.

87 Enfocer w- 454 for $5400.

82 Exciter w- 175 Merc for $6900. Pretty boat.

80s SkiMate w- 200 Suzuki for $2500.

Starlet w- 350 Mercruiser for $5700.......

96 186 Pulse for $3695.

76 V-Mate w- 115 Merc for $900.

98 242 Concinvor w- 454 for 24.5K.

98 253 Convincor w- 454 for 22.9K. Clean, clean boat.

88 301 Maxxum w- dual BBCs for 14K.
I quit looking at this thread, it was bad news....still is!!! I need to save my money for the boat I already own.

This is cool though, I found my boats identical twin!!! This trailer is nicer than mine and it has about 100 less hours. But I paid almost $10K less for mine, so I'm cool with it. lol

I also like how he calls the stripe "mauve" in the ad. MAN THE F*%K UP AND CALL IT WHAT IT IS!!! ITS PINK, AND ITS BAD ASS!!!!!