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Even More CL Finds!

88 301 Maxxum w- dual 454s for 18.5K.

82 Predictor w- 175 Merc for $2750.

92 Starflite w- 225 Merc for $7500.

94 283 w- 540' (650) for 20K.

89 Vision w- 454 for 6K.

02 240 Convincor w- 6.2L for 16.5K.

253 Convincor w- 502 for 23.5K. Sharp boat.

Left over 012 1850 Pulse (?) w- 115 Merc for 22.5K.
From the pics boat looks good. Price isn't bad either. If the floor and transom is in good shape the rest is just little stuff.

Is it normal to have the wooden grate in floor or was floor replaced? Rest of boat looks decent from pics. Cleanup and buff should be nice
Is it normal to have the wooden grate in floor or was floor replaced? Rest of boat looks decent from pics. Cleanup and buff should be nice
if the floor was replaced that could only be considered necessary (eventually). especially done right.
What is keith talking about on the quarter panel graphics? I must be missing something.
Otherwise- looks like a great entry priced steal in my eyes.
Is it normal to have the wooden grate in floor or was floor replaced? Rest of boat looks decent from pics. Cleanup and buff should be nice

The grating in the floor is a ski locker, also from the angle the picture was taken looks like a bad repair on the transom.
00 240ZT w- 454 for 21.5K.

85 Exciter w- 150 Merc for $5995. Sharp looking boat.

79 Enchnater IO w- 350 for 16K.

01 240 Convincor w- 454 for 22K.

05 ZT230BR w- 496. Sharp boat.

79 Predictor w- 90 Merc for $3350.
86 Eluder w- 150 Merc for 4k.

28' w- dual 200 Evinrudes for $7500. Uhmm....

87 251 Convincor w- 454 for $7900.

86 251 Convincor w-,454 for $6500.

84 Enchanter w- 200 Merc for 3k.

86 Eluder IO w- 350 for $2900.