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Important Thread - Please Read!

I get where your coming from on the points you made, but disagree with the last one quoted here.

Thanks Rob! You are absolutely right about the last point that I made and today became a supporting member. :bigthumb: I'll try and make as positive of a contribution as I can here in this forum.

Thank you to all the other members for making this a great place to hang out at to be able to talk about boats.

A special thank you to Chris for keeping a level head, a level tone and always willing to shed his perspective regardless if he agrees or not.

Lastly, I'm all in favor of just deleting the bad posts and/or threads.
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Thanks Rob! You are absolutely right about the last point that I made and today became a supporting member. :bigthumb: I'll try and make as positive of a contribution as I can here in this forum.

Thank you to all the other members for making this a great place to hang out at to be able to talk about boats.

A special thank you to Chris for keeping a level head, a level tone and always willing to shed his perspective regardless if he agrees or not.

Lastly, I'm all in favor of just deleting the bad posts and/or threads.

Glad to hear it, I just knew you were too good a guy to pass up a opportunity to make things better.
I really enjoy your restoration thread, hopefully we can all focus on it instead of this mess.:thumb:
Two actually as BRIO and I both jumped in.:D Go figure?

Course nobodys countin who might not renew over this? :sick:

I think this site and those who choose to support it will grow, usually cooler heads prevail. Chris and the others have handeled all of this in a professional manor not letting there emotions run away, this was a good thing.:cheers:
First off I want to thank Chris for doing a great job and taking up most of my free time with this site! :thumb:

I think as the board gets older and more members sign up, we are bound to get more heated threads. AND, with more members signing up daily, we will get more members complaining. I dont think the percentage of complaints in relation to total number of members has risen though.

This was happening years ago when I posted some pics of my boat with some girls in it. Then there was some red blooded male talk about "chickmates". Some members cried a river. Some got over it and some left the site.

It takes allot to offend me ( if it can even happen). I would never think of tattling to a board official because I didnt like what was being posted here. You only have to read what you want.

There is alot of great info here in the proper sections. If you are here to talk boats and talk boat tech........... stay out of the other threads. I can go weeks and read only threads that are about fast boats and tech questions. OR, I can CHOOSE to indulge myself in a bit of trash talk.

Anyhow, from what I see we are doing fine here if we can get through this tight spot and I plan on staying around for a while. :cheers:


I second that. That pretty much somes it up.
Keep up the good work. I love this site. I know i'm new here but whenever I need the advice for my boat all I have to do is ask and it is answered not by one but many knowlegdable boaters. Thanks